郭振華臺灣大學:工程科學及海洋工程學研究所陳紀均Chen, Chi-ChunChi-ChunChen2007-11-262018-06-282007-11-262018-06-282007http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/51004輸入信號會影響水下載具運動數學模式之參數估測之準確性,參數之準確性則影響其控制系統的動態。本文第二章提出最佳輸入設計來鑑定載具的參數,以參數對系統輸出的靈敏度為基礎,以及動態規劃法,設計出一組最佳輸入,將參數對輸出的靈敏度最大化,以提昇參數鑑定的準確性。本論文第三章以一個具有前後浮力引擎的水下滑翔機系統為例,展示最佳輸入設計方法可以較準確地估測參數。並以任意輸入去比較最佳輸入的結果,證明最佳輸入的參數鑑定誤差較小,以及最佳輸入估測方法較不受到輸出信號的雜訊影響。第四章以一具遙控型水下載具的水槽試驗數據,估測出載具之系統參數,並以載具運動量測之數據以及動態模擬結果之比較來驗證參數之準確性。The accuracy of parameters in a vehicle’s dynamic model strongly affects the dynamic performance of its control system. An optimal input design technique for vehicle parameter estimation is presented in this study. The idea is generated via a dynamic programming method combined with a gradient algorithm for the optimal input synthesis. Also, motion data were analyzed with least squares method so that values of parameters could be estimated. Therefore, the estimated values are compared with arbitrary input signals that are commonly used in parameter identification. This algorithm for selecting optimal inputs is found to be efficient and robust to noises. In summary, this work validated the analysis used to develop the optimal input designs, and demonstrated the feasibility and practical utility of the optimal input design technique by the parameter identification of an underwater glider with fore-and-aft buoyancy engine and an open-framed underwater vehicle.致謝 I 摘要 II Abstract III Table of Contents IV List of Figures VI List of Table XI List of Symbols XII Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Literature review 3 1.3 Thesis Organization 4 Chapter 2 Optimal Input Design 6 2.1 Sensitivity Analysis 7 2.2 Dynamic Programming 9 2.2 Input Function 12 2.3 Estimation Process 14 Chapter 3 Glider Parameter Identification 16 3.1 A Mathematical Model for Underwater Glider 16 3.2 Identification Results 21 Chapter 4 ROV Parameter Identification 50 4.1 Vehicle Modeling 51 4.2 Initial Trial Results 53 4.2 Optimal Input Experiment 60 Chapter 5 Conclusions 88 References 90705969 bytesapplication/pdfen-US水下載具參數鑑定靈敏度動態規劃法水下滑翔機parameter identificationoptimal inputsensitivityunderwater vehicles水下載具參數鑑定之最佳輸入設計Optimal Input Design for Parameter Identification of Underwater Vehiclesthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/51004/1/ntu-96-R93525037-1.pdf