陳書梅2006-07-262018-05-302006-07-262018-05-302002-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/20417本計畫探討台灣地區公立大學暨學院 圖書館館員在工作中可能面臨的壓力源,同 時藉由分析不同人格特質對於壓力情境評估 和認定的影響,來瞭解不同圖書館館員在面 對壓力時,其因應模式為何。期望經由這些 研究結果,促進圖書館主管和館員對於壓力 管理技巧與知能的重視,以提升館員個人對 壓力之適應能力,且對圖書館組織之營運產 生積極之助力。This research explores the possible stressors in the workplace of national university and college librarians in Taiwan. The researcher tries to find out how different personality characteristics influence people to act in stressful situations, and the relationship between ways of coping with stress and the stress suffered by librarians. Also, through the result of this research, the researcher wants to urge the library administrators and librarians to pay more attention to stress management skills and knowledge in order to improve librarians’ ability to get along with stress.application/pdf49092 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系暨研究所壓力壓力源壓力因應壓力管理大學圖書館圖書館館員Stress, StressorsCoping with StressStress ManagementUniversity and College LibrariesLibrarians台灣地區公立大學暨技術學院館員壓力源及其壓力因應模式之研究reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/20417/1/902413H002013.pdf