2013-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/706887摘要:兒童發展常受認知和情緒上的問題所影響,認知注意力不足與兒童憂鬱儼然成為相當重要的全球議題。目前許多研究已指出自然環境對認知注意力和情緒的恢復有所幫助,進一步影響幸福感。本研究分為兩年度,第一年度的研究目的為戶外遊戲環境對兒童心理發展之影響,並以新北市7~18歲兒童研究對象。問卷部份包含個人背景資料、兒童從事遊戲場所評估、環境認知恢復效果、認知狀態、情緒狀態及幸福感。預期能從研究中了解兒童偏好之景觀類型以及所帶來之效益。第二年度深入探索兒童療癒景觀元素,依據第一年度得知的兒童遊戲景觀偏好類型製照片,照片內容包含該場景可能出現的各種景觀元素。研究對象為新北市18歲以下兒童,透過景觀照片觀賞與瞳位追蹤器記錄來觀察兒童視覺軌跡以及在哪些景觀元素停留較久的時間;並配合問卷調查或質性訪談了解哪些景觀類型及元素最能提供兒童認知恢復與調節情緒效果。本研究結果可提供學校、幼稚園、兒童活動中心、遊戲中心等機構做為景觀空間設計之參考依據,不僅僅有助於兒童之健康,也可提升兒童空間的評價與滿意度。<br> Abstract: The development of children is affected by children`s cognition and emotion. The problems of cognitive attention and emotional melancholy for children become an importance issue. In fact, these problems are result in the visual complexity of the urban environment and noise caused fatigue or over-excited. A large number of studies have pointed out that restoration of attention, emotion, quality of life in natural environment that is also good for children. The reason for children like natural environment is parental permission to engage in play in natural environment. According to the game theory, we can explore which landscapes children prefer, but a few of studies mentioned that. Therefore, this project includes two years. The first year of study is to explore the benefits of cognition, emotion and wellbeing for children`s playscape. School age children and young children are participants. For varieties of play experience and control of socio-economic background, the home cares are selected in Taipei City. It includes urban, coastal and mountainous areas. The questionnaire included background, types of playscape, cognitive restoration, emotional restoration, cognitive state, emotional state, and wellbeing. The benefits and types of playscape will be found for children in this study. The second year of study is to understand the benefits of cognition and emotion in the landscape elements for children. According to the results of first year, making four group of landscape photos that include variety of possible elements. Preschoolers, school age children and young children are participants. The home cares are selected in urban and rural areas in Taipei City. Eye-tracking and qualitative interview methods are used. Eye-tracking is used to observe the path and stay time in photos. The qualitative interview method is used to understand which photos and elements children prefer and find the reasons. Cognitive restoration and emotional restoration are tested. Finally, we can know which types and elements of landscape provide the best benefits. The results of this project can provide the advice to design therapeutic landscape for schools, kindergartens, kids activity center, game center and other institutions. Not only help children`s health, but also enhance children`s evaluation and satisfaction.遊戲景觀認知恢復情緒恢復幸福感playscapecognitive restorationemotional restorationwellbeing景觀環境對兒童心理發展之影響