2006-02-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714613摘要:有關甲醇燃料電池的質子交換膜(PEM)文獻及專利中指出,甲醇容易藉由穿透(crossover)現象經PEM而到達陰極,影響氧化還原反應,造成甲醇燃料浪費與混合電位(mixed potential)效應而降低電池效能。 本計畫開發重點如下: (a)本計畫以層狀奈米矽片與管狀奈米碳貫分散於Nafion樹脂溶液。利用奈米矽片幫助奈米碳管分散於Nafion樹脂溶液中重新塗佈於Nafio薄膜材料表面。利用奈米矽片與碳管所構成之片狀、網狀交錯結構。奈米矽片與碳管所扮演之”立體屏障”,可有效阻抗液體燃料擴散至陰極,降低甲醇與氧氣之反應機率。 (b)本計畫以層狀奈米矽片與管狀奈米碳貫分散於Nafion樹脂溶液,此為一新型界面活性劑。此界面活性劑可用於接合 PEM與碳布。將PEM與碳布緊密接合構成MEA 有別於傳統的熱押接合方式。此方法可增加質子傳導性,亦可藉由親水性矽片及雙性或親油性之碳管兩相成分相互搭配下,增添PEM表面濕潤度,加速觸媒層產生之質子傳導至PEM的速率。 <br> Abstract: In the literature about proton exchange membrane (PEM) of methanol fuel cell, when methanol fuel of anode was diffused into the cathode via crossover phenomenon, methanol diffused in cathode will hinder the progress of oxidation-reduction reaction. The results cause that most of methanol fuel is consumed and efficiency of cell is decreased because mixed potential occurred inside the fuel cell. The developed point of the project was described as follows: (a)In the project, Layer-like nanosilicate platelets and tube-like carbon nanotube will be dispersed in Nafion dispersion to form a novel organic/inorganic surfactant. the surfactant can tightly adhere a interface between PEM and carbon cloth to format a membrane-electrolyte assembly (MEA). It is different from substrate extrusion technology for conventional adhere process. This method improves conductivity of proton and machine properties of membrane and avoid to damage MEA device via heat extruded process. (b)In the project, Layer-like nanosilicate platelets, tube-like nanotube and polymer Nafion dispersion are composed of a orangic/inorganic surfactant which can be spin coated at PEM surface. The surfactant can construct a crosslink structure in the PEM surface. A 3-D barrier composed by layer and tube nanomaterials shall resist the diffusion of liquid methanol fuel inside the PEM and shall reduce reaction probability between methanol of anode and oxygen of cathode.黏土奈米碳管界面活性劑質子交換膜燃料電池膜電極阻ClayCarbon NanotubeSurfactantProton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC)前瞻性奈米碳氫薄膜電極組材料之開發與應用-子計畫二:薄膜電極組質子交換膜表面改質及界面接合探討