2008-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/684858摘要:1.建立WSN系統,以結合RFID系統與肉種雞生產管理資料庫,並利用影像觀察雞 隻活動力與行為。2.建立肉種雞生產管理的資料庫,提供相關業者參考,進而促 進產業升級並提高業者利潤。3.利用WSN結合RFID系統與生產管理資料庫,可建 立RFID在肉種雞產業應用的模式,促進國內相關電子產業的發展並提高其產值。<br> Abstract: A wireless sensor network (WSN) will be established to integrate the RFID system and the management database of the broiler breeders. Also, the on-line image will be used to monitor the activity and behavior of the broilers. The expected benefits are: 1. To develop the management database of the broiler breeders for chicken farmers, hence promote the upgrade of the poultry industry and increase the farmer`s revenue. and 2. The application model for the broiler breeders could be established, and improve the related electronis industry and increase their revenue.肉種雞無線射頻辨識系統經營管理Broiler breederRadio Frequency IdentifacationManagement利用RFID技術提升家禽產銷效率-應用RFID於種雞場經營管理之研究