2006-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/679458摘要:全世界粉蝨科昆蟲有 151 屬,1500 種之記錄。台灣地區原記錄為 30 屬,125種,目前已累積至 47 屬,161 種。本研究以傳統若蟲期形態為主,輔以成蟲特徵、顯微構造以及分子標記等方法進行基礎分類學研究,並以支序學方法作為類緣關係之系統分析。今年度將以形態特徵作為鑑定基礎,輔以分子標記研究成果,以發表研究報告為首務,並建立基本分子生物及其他生物學多元化資料,以供「台灣粉蝨誌」之基礎。並藉著交換及商借標本以完成 「全世界粉蝨科昆蟲屬級階層」 之支序學研究。長程目標將綜合應用各種技術,將粉蝨分類朝向多元的系統發展,尋找更多分類特徵的資料來分析粉蝨類昆蟲的類緣關係,以期重建合理完整的粉蝨類昆蟲分類系統。<br> Abstract: There are 151 genera and 1500 species of whiteflies in the world. Original records in Taiwan show 30 genera and 125 species, but those figures have changed over time to 47 genera and 161 species. We propose to use traditional morphological techniques, ultrastructure, and molecular markers to study the taxonomy of living insects, both in the immature and adult stagess of the life cycle. The quantitative data that we collect will be used to clarify systematic relationships using cladistic analysis. We are placing a higher priority on publishing the findings that result from a combination of morphological and molecular traits. We plan to use these results as the basis for a monograph: Whitefly Fauna of Taiwan. The utilization of materials from loans and exchanges is expected to be of value in publishing the monograph Whitefly Genera of the World. The long-term program will consist of the application of additional techniques to gather more data in understanding the diversity and evolution of whitefly species, and to assess and reconstruct the whitefly phylogenetic tree.粉蝨科粉蝨形態分類分子分類類緣關係Aleyrodidaewhiteflymorphological taxonomymolecular taxonomyphylogeny粉蝨科昆蟲型態分類學研究/粉蝨科昆蟲分子分類學研究