2016-08-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/646299摘要:中風在國內外都是重要死亡原因,腦中風的預防因此成為現今非常重要的課題。辨認出高風險的短暫缺血性腦中風病患,及時給予介入檢查治療並住院觀察,可降低腦中風的發生率與嚴重度,達到預防的效果。許多預測模型因此被發展出來進行高風險病患的辨認,但都顯示有其缺點,而這些預測模型是否適合於國人也未經確認。預測模型的使用,在不同的使用者間之一致性,也沒有很好的評估。另一方面,由於缺血性腦中風病患的亞型在東西方比例不同,因此對於高風險的短暫缺血性腦中風病患預測模型,推測於東西方應有所不同。根據以上問題,我們提出一個為期三年的研究計畫。研究目的如下:1. 利用臺大醫院急診就醫之短暫缺血性腦中風病患族群,對於先前發展的ABCD2、ABCD2I、ABCD3、ABCD3I 之預測模型進行外部效度驗證分析。2. 評估ABCD3 預測模型的信度-觀察在不同使用者間評分一致性與比較差異點。3. 發展適用於本土短暫缺血性腦中風病患族群之新預測模型,與先前發展的預測模型的預測能力相比較,並進行多中心前瞻性信效度驗證。<br> Abstract: Stroke is the main cause of death all over the world, and thus it is very important to prevent stroke.Stroke will be prevented and treated if the high risk patients with transient ischemic attack (TIA) areidentified and interventions, including examinations, correction of risk factors and admission, are given intime. Therefore, many prediction models were developed to identify high risk patients, but they had manyshortcomings. In addition, it is still unknown about the performance of these models if they are used inTaiwan. The reliability of these models has not been evaluated well. On the other hand, the distribution ofsubtypes of ischemic stroke among patients in western countries was different from that in eastern countries,and thus it was speculated that the useful prediction tools to identify high risk patients with TIA could bedifferent among eastern and western countries.We therefore propose a three-year study with the following objectives:1. to external validate the previously developed prediction models, such as ABCD2、ABCD2I、ABCD3、ABCD3I, with TIA patients who visited the emergency department of National Taiwan UniversityHospital.2. to evaluate the reliability of the ABCD3 prediction model by observing interobserver agreement andcomparing the differences.3. to develop a new prediction tool which fits the TIA patients in Taiwan best, to compare the performanceof the new tool with that of previously developed prediction models, and to perform multicenterprospective validation.中風短暫缺血性腦中風預測模型信度效度驗證stroketransient ischemic attackprediction modelreliabilityvalidationReconstruction of Risk Prediction Model for Patients with Transient Ischemic Attack and Prospective Multicenter Validation