臺灣大學: 資訊管理學研究所曹承礎陳富媺Chen, Fu-MeiFu-MeiChen2013-03-222018-06-292013-03-222018-06-292011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/251161本研究目的在於探討企業的知識管理需求與其知識管理成熟度之關聯性。本研究採用質性研究之個案研究法,深入探討目前已導入知識管理的企業現況,瞭解企業對知識管理的目標、需求、知識管理流程,以及知識管理成熟度,提供本研究建立一套更有效率,以分析出企業的知識管理需求與知識管理成熟度之關聯性的架構。本研究以產業多樣化的方式,訪談個案對象涉及政府機關、服務業、工程業、醫療業、銀行業、電視購物業等,讓本研究之研究方法都可在各個產業、各種類型的組織都可以應用。 研究結果發現,每間企業對知識管理的定義、需求都有所不同,連帶影響對知識管理的需求也會有所不同,在以企業需求為前提下,去探討知識管理需求構面所重視的權重也會有所不同,顯示出在探討知識管理等議題,不能以普遍化的方式去套用在每間企業情境上。在知識管理成熟度上,目前大部分的企業都尚未達到最高階層,但也顯示出知識管理的能力不應以追求最高為目標,而是以追求最適合為目標,也代表企業在發展知識管理計畫,還是應以企業的需求為主要考量。知識管理成熟模型可以用來分析企業目前在知識管理上的發展程度,以及還有哪些是可以繼續加強和改善的參考指標,但也許不會是唯一正確的參考。在探討知識管理需求與成熟度的關聯度部份,絕大部份的企業的知識管理成熟模型上的實務能力並非完全與知識管理需求是有高關聯度的,透過品質機能展開,明顯看出實務能力和需求之間的關聯度,提供企業可以針對與需求有高關聯度的能力去提升,彌補其他較低關聯度的能力,以滿足所有知識管理需求。本研究結論部分提供了實務面的研究貢獻,使用品質機能展開方法,可做為企業管理者在評估知識管理需求與成熟度的關聯度的有效的方法。This research’s object is to discover the association between enterprises’ knowledge management needs and maturity. This research adopts the qualitative research – case study to deeply discuss enterprise’s situation for those imported knowledge management, to understand the goal, need, process and the maturity of knowledge management for enterprises, and eventually to construct a more efficient framework for analyzing the relationship between knowledge management need and maturity. This research has concerned about industry diversity, including government agency, service, engineering industry, medical industry, banking, and TV shopping industry, to make the research method be able to apply to every kind of industry, and every type of organization. The research result shows that every enterprise’s definition and need for knowledge management are totally different, therefore the need for knowledge management varies among enterprises. On the premise of enterprise’s need, the weights of different aspects for discussing knowledge management needs are also different. This shows that there’s no general method to apply to every enterprises’ situation when we make discussion on the issue of knowledge management. About the knowledge management maturity, the levels of knowledge management maturity for most cases haven’t reached the highest level yet. It shows that we are not seeking for the highest level of knowledge management capability but for the fittest one. And it also shows that when the enterprise has knowledge management plan, we should take the enterprise’s need as major concern. The knowledge management maturity model can be used to analyze the enterprise’s knowledge management development level, and to find out if there’s anything should be improved or refined. But it might not be the only index. After analyzing the association between knowledge management need and maturity, capability in practice can’t have high association with needs for most cases. Based on Quality Function Deployment, we can see the association between practice capabilities and needs clearly. It provides enterprise to improve some capabilities that have high association with needs, to make up the others, and to fit all knowledge management needs. This research provides practical research comment and uses Quality Function Deployment to be the efficient way to measure the association between knowledge management needs and maturity1225992 bytesapplication/pdfen-US知識管理個案研究知識管理成熟模型品質機能展開Knowledge ManagementCase StudyKnowledge Management Maturity ModelQuality Function Deployment建構企業知識管理需求與成熟度關聯分析之架構Constructing a Framework for the Association between Enterprises’ Knowledge Management Needs and Maturitythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/251161/1/ntu-100-R98725017-1.pdf