盧中仁臺灣大學:機械工程學研究所趙文煜Chao, Wen-YuWen-YuChao2010-06-302018-06-282010-06-302018-06-282009U0001-1808200907111800http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/187199隨著各種儀器設備日趨微細,運轉速度逐漸提高,對於避振的要求也越發嚴格。傳統的被動式減振器可視為線性彈簧和黏滯阻尼器並聯的結果。研究顯示,這類避振器當彈簧的勁度為零時和外界完全隔離,有最好的避振效果。然而勁度為零,會使得待避振物無法承受外界的擾動力。針對這個問題,類零勁度(Quasi-Zero Stiffness, QZS)系統提供了一個可能的解決方案。類零勁度系統為一非線性系統,在工作位置上的勁度很小,但在一定位移時又能提供適當的支撐力。本文探討一個可行的類零勁度機構,討論各個參數對機構等效勁度及適用範圍的影響。建立QZS系統作為避振器的理論模型並推導運動方程式,分析這個QZS系統對基底振動和衝擊的隔絕能力,並和傳統的線性避振器相比較。Due to the development of micro fabrication techniques, modern instruments are miniaturized and operated at high speeds. In this case, the demand for vibration isolation is more and more strict. Traditional passive vibration isolators consist of a linear spring and a viscous damper. Previous studies indicate that the performance of a traditional vibration isolator is enhanced as the stiffness of the associated spring approaches zero. The drawback of zero stiffness is that the system cannot sustain any disturbance. The quais-zero stiffness (QZS) system provides a feasible solution to this problem. The QZS system is a nonlinear system which has zero stiffness at the working position and also provides large restoring force away from the working position. This thesis investigates a feasible design of QZS mechanism. The effects of system parameters on the equivalent stiffness of the system and the suitable range for QZS are studied thoroughly. We construct the theoretical model of the QZS vibration isolator and derive the governing equations. The effectiveness of the QZS vibration isolator for reducing the vibration and shock from the base is examined and compared with that of the traditional vibration isolator.口試委員會審定書 i謝 ii文摘要 iii文摘要 iv錄 v目錄 vii目錄 x號表 xi一章 緒論 1一節 研究動機 1二節 文獻回顧 2二章 類零勁度系統 4一節 靜態分析 4二節 運動方程式 12三章 分析方法 16一節 簡諧激振 16二節 隨機振動 27三節 衝擊 32四章 QZS的減振功能 39一節 隨機振盪 41二節 衝擊 49五章 結論 59考文獻 61en-US類零勁度系統諧波平衡法避震系統quasi-zero stiffnessharmonic balancevibration isolation類零勁度避震系統的研究The Study of Quasi-Zero Stiffness Vibration Isolationthesis