臺灣大學: 電子工程學研究所呂學士黃肯Huang, KenKenHuang2013-04-102018-07-102013-04-102018-07-102012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/256698近年來,老年人口的快速增加超越我們可提供醫療的能力。使用無線監測與紀錄的技術來幫助病人即時的獲得生理參數是必要的。因此,本論文將針對植入式醫療通訊系統提出了兩個頻率合成器與三個射頻發射器。 本篇論文所提出的整數型及分數型頻率合成器實作在台積電0.18 微米製程,用來產生精準的頻率來當作本地振盪器。整數型的頻率合成器比較容易整合在射頻收發機系統,而分數型頻率合成器在規格上是優於整數型頻率合成器。此外,為了降低功率消耗,這兩個頻率合成器都是操作在低電壓1伏特,其功率消耗分別為900微瓦及850微瓦。 三個射頻發射器也被實作在台積電 0.18 微米製程,第一個是開關鍵移發射器,此發射器的實現是較低成本,而且當在傳輸資料“0”的時候是可以被完全關閉。然而,頻率鍵移調變較不容易受環境雜訊干擾,因此實作了兩個頻率鍵移發射器。使用開迴路架構的頻率鍵移發射器有較低的功率消耗,而使用兩點調變技術的頻率鍵移發射器具有較好的調變品質。In recent years, a rapidly aging population is far outstripping our ability to provide services to support it. Using wireless monitoring and recording for real-time physiological parameters from a patient body is necessary. Therefore, two frequency synthesizers and three RF transmitters are proposed in this thesis for MICS band application. The integer-N frequency synthesizer and the fractional-N frequency synthesizer implemented TSMC 0.18-um CMOS process play the role of a local oscillator (LO) to generate a precisely defined frequency. The integer-N frequency synthesizer is easy to integrate with RF transceiver system. The fractional-N frequency synthesizer has better performance than the other. In addition, two frequency synthesizers are designed at low supply voltage 1 V in order to reduce the power consumption and power consumption of two frequency synthesizers is 900 uW and 850 uW, respectively. Besides, three RF transmitters are implemented in TSMC 0.18-um CMOS process. The OOK transmitter is easier to implement at a lower cost and it can be turned off completely when transmitting a “zero”. However, FSK modulation has more immunity to noise from environment. Therefore, two types of FSK transmitter are implemented. The FSK transmitter with open-loop topology has lower power consumption and the FSK transmitter with two-point modulation technique has better modulation quality.7379039 bytesapplication/pdfen-US鎖相迴路頻率合成器發射器植入式醫療通訊系統PLLfrequency synthesizertransmitterMICS band適用於植入式醫療通訊頻段之低功率頻率合成器及射頻發射器Low Power Frequency Synthesizers and RF Transmitters for MICS Bandthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/256698/1/ntu-101-R99943139-1.pdf