臺灣大學: 農業經濟學研究所陳郁蕙張嘉航Chang, Chia-HangChia-HangChang2013-03-272018-07-092013-03-272018-07-092012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/252974茶是台灣重要經濟作物之一,茶產業在台灣發展已超過兩百年歷史,其中烏龍茶更在2004年被農委會遴選為四大外銷旗鑑產品之一。近年來消費者的對食品安全衛生及自然保育意識抬頭,施用有機肥料、非農藥防治病蟲害等有機耕種方式逐漸盛行,但目前有機茶園經營,必須經過多年投入才能開始有營收,而疫病蟲害、單位面積產量過低、生產成本過高均是產業目前面臨的挑戰,如何藉由完善檢驗或認證制度,使有機茶產品和其他茶產品有所區隔,以提高產業價值與獲利極為重要。有鑑於此,本研究之目的為蒐集與整理國內茶產業之基礎資料與相關文獻,依據各構面與指標在層級間回饋和相依關係的分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP)設計專家問卷,透過面訪的方式進行問卷調查,再分析問卷,以瞭解要素間之相對權重,進而探討影響國內有機茶產業發展之關鍵因素。 在層級架構劃分上,本研究將其分為三個層級,層級一為研究目的;層級二分為五個構面,分別為「有機茶園生產管理」、「有機茶檢驗」、「製茶加工過程」、「茶樹栽培技術」以及「市場行銷」;層級三則為層級二之構面下的各種因素。實證分析結果可知,層級二中以「有機茶園生產管理」重要程度最高;在層級三方面,有機茶園生產管理構面之「生物及病蟲害防治技術」重要程度最高;在茶樹栽培技術構面下,「人力技術」之重要程度最高;而製茶加工過程構面中以「製茶廠安全衛生管理」之重要程度最高;在有機茶檢驗構面方面,則以「檢驗政策相關法規」之重要程度最高;市場行銷構面下之四項指標重要程度皆差距不大,惟其中「特色與差異化」之重要程度較高,顯示可藉由凸顯有機茶之特色與差異化,以有效行銷我國有機茶。Tea is an important economic crop in Taiwan, and the development of tea industry in Taiwan has more than two hundred years. Oolong tea in 2004 was selected as one of the four export flagship products. In recent years, people pay more attentions to food safety and conservation, increase use of organic fertilizers, non-pesticide pest control, and organic farming methods. However, organic tea requires long-term operations to have positive revenue, and faces challenges diseases, pests, low yield per unit area, and the high cost of production from industry to differentiate from conventional tea products. Setting up inspection or certification system for organic tea products can increase the product value and profitability. In this study, we collect the basic information of the domestic tea industry, learn the various dimensions and various indicators from the inter-level feedbacks and analysis of the dependencies network process (Analytic Network Process of ANP), and find the key factors affecting the development of domestic organic tea industry. In the hierarchical structure of division, this study has three levels. Level one is the purpose of the study. Level two contains five dimensions: “Production management of the organic tea”, “organic tea test”, “tea processing”, “tea cultivation techniques” and “marketing”. The results in level two, “organic tea garden production management” is the most important dimension. Under the production management of the organic tea dimension, “biological pest control technology” is the most important. Under the tea cultivation techniques dimension, “human technical” is the most important. Under the tea processing dimension, “tea factory health and safety management” is the most important. Under the organic tea test dimensions, “testing policy relevant laws and regulations” is the most important. Under the marketing dimensions, “characteristics and differentiation” is the most important. Increasing organic tea and conventional differentiation tea, can promote the organic.140 bytestext/htmlen-US有機茶產銷履歷茶葉檢驗網路程序分析法organic teaTraceabilitytea testanalytic network process[SDGs]SDG3探討台灣有機茶產業發展之關鍵因素On the Key Development Factors in Taiwan’s Organic Tea Industrythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/252974/1/index.html