工學院: 土木工程學研究所指導教授: 廖文正葉智強Yeh, Chih-ChiangChih-ChiangYeh2017-03-132018-07-092017-03-132018-07-092015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277967高強度混凝土及鋼筋在近幾十年來發展已漸趨成熟,如日本的New RC Project已經能將混凝土的抗壓強度提升至120MPa以上,鋼筋也可達685MPa以上,其特性為縮減斷面尺寸、節省材料及減輕構件重量等;但高強度混凝土為脆性的材料,以及有早期保護層剝落的情形,因此本研究將探討高強度混凝土在符合設計規範的配置下應用於橋柱的可行性。另一方面為了確保橋柱的韌性行為因此必須增加塑鉸區的橫向配筋,但同時也造成施工上的不易,導致混凝土澆置品質不佳,針對這樣的情形本研究認為可以從材料面著手解決,藉由添加鋼纖維於混凝土中取代部分橫向鋼筋,以紓解橫向配筋過於密集的問題。最後希望能進一步具體量化鋼纖維所能提供的效益,提供之後鋼纖維鋼筋混凝土橋柱設計的換算方法。 由實驗結果顯示使用高強度材料的橋柱如有適當圍束則層間變位角的表現可以優於普通強度材料橋柱,且位移韌性也能滿足規範值,因此應用上是可行的。添加鋼纖維的橋柱遲滯迴圈表現都可達到與符合規範的橋柱有差不多的表現,由此可見鋼纖維確實能提供圍束效果使橋柱有更韌性的行為,因此使用鋼纖維取代部分的橫向鋼筋(箍筋、繫筋)有其可行性。最後鋼纖維的效益可藉由「圍束」的角度進行等效的橫向鋼筋量換算,從分析中發現換算量會和試體位移韌性表現呈正相關,代表能確實的量化鋼纖維的效益。The development of high strength concrete and reinforcement has become more mature nowadays. The purpose of New RC project was aimed to reduce the member sections and increase the available space of high rise buildings by using high strength concrete (f’c > 70 MPa) and high strength rebars (fy > 685 MPa). Material consumptions and member sections can be further reduced owing to the upgrade of strength. However, the nature of brittleness of high strength may also cause early cover spalling and other ductility issues. Addition of steel fibers is an alternative as transverse reinforcement. This study aims to investigate the cyclic behavior of New RC bridge columns in addition to high strength hooked steel fibers. Four full scale bridge columns are subjected cyclic lateral loading to verify their responses and deformation capacity. The experimental results show that the application of high strength materials on bridge column is feasible. Quantification of confinement efficiency of the steel fibers is also conducted in this study. By using the equivalent transverse reinforcement concept via TR value, the amount of fibers required to reach the same performance can be further determined. The test results show that by adding 1.5% of high strength hooked steel fibers, great deformation capacity is developed either stirrups spacing is even increased to 2 times of that of control specimen or elimination of all tires in New RC bridge columns.35514711 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/20論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)鋼纖維橋柱New RC空心Steel FiberBridge ColumnHollow Section添加高強度端鉤型鋼纖維之高強度鋼筋混凝土橋柱之反覆側推行為分析與模擬Experimental Analysis and Simulation of Cyclic Behavior for New RC Bridge Columns with High Strength Hook Ended Steel Fibersthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/277967/1/ntu-104-R02521243-1.pdf