管理學院: 商學研究所指導教授: 游張松劉仲凱Liu, Chung-KaiChung-KaiLiu2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274511工業化農業與在地化農業比較起來,在地化農業對於自然環境是比較永續的,而且也能夠提高小農收入,而不是讓錢被少數人擁有的農企業佔有,對消費者來說,在地化農業的作物比較健康、美味,也能夠創造出地方特色,增加觀光產值。 台灣的傳統農產品的產銷環境中,生產者與消費者分居於南部與北部地區,產品的運送路途非常遙遠,在運送過程中,除了運費成本之外,農產品在長途運送過程中容易腐壞,因此存在損壞成本。而這些物流業務是由中間商負責,因此中間商在跟生產者收購農產品時,需要考量到物流的花費以及運送過程中的產品腐壞成本,往往將生產者的收購價格壓得非常低,因此只有工業化農業才能達到物流的規模經濟,對於在地化農業來說,由於其產量不如工業化農業來得多,無法達到中間商的規模經濟條件,因此就要另外尋找其他通路來販售。 基於上述問題,近年來台灣興起許多販售農產品的電子商務平台,目的是讓生產者與消費者能夠經由網路媒合,而不再需要經過傳統市場中間商的利潤分配,就能夠讓生鮮產品到達消費者手中,也就能增加小農的利潤,但是大多數的生鮮電商平台是需要預購的,也就是說,消費者下訂單後,過幾天才能拿到商品,這跟以往消費者在傳統市場或是便利超商的購買行為非常不同,因此消費者不會輕易地轉到平台上購買農產品。 本研究希望設計一個農產品電子商務的產銷平台,來幫助在地化農業解決產銷問題,進一步改變台灣農業的生態環境,讓消費者可以吃到更安全、無毒的食物,同時也讓農業不再是低利潤的行業,使更多人願意投入農業。Compare to industrial agriculture, local agriculture is not only more sustainable for the environment but also can improve the profit of small farmers, instead of letting the money earned by agriculture enterprises. The products of local agriculture are healthier and tasty to human and its will bring business to the local country. In Taiwan''s traditional fresh products industry, producers and consumers are located in the southern and northern regions so it’s a long way to transport fresh products. There are some companies who do the purchase and shipment business, we call them middleman. On the way of shipment, in addition of shipping fee costs, because fresh products are easier to rot, another cost is damage cost. Therefore, middleman should consider these two costs when they purchase fresh products. Because of these two costs, the purchase price is very low, so only industrial agriculture can meet the condition of economic scale. For local agriculture, the amount of product is relatively much lower than industrial agriculture, so it can’t meet the condition of economic scale, therefore, the farmers of local agriculture should find another way to sell their products. Recently, there are many new e-commerce companies who sell fresh products. Compare to traditional fresh products industry, these companies let consumers easily connect with producers by internet so they don’t need middleman to deal with the transaction. Therefore, the profits which originally earned by middleman can transfer to producers. But for consumers, they need to make order early and will receive shipments after many days. Compare to traditional purchasing process, consumers need to wait for a long time, this kind of process is not consistent with consumer behavior. In order to fulfill the unmet needs of consumers and small size farm, this paper develops a new business model to help small size farm to sell their products, consumers to buy healthy and tasty food materials and change the structure of fresh products industry.論文使用權限: 不同意授權電子商務在地化農業農產品E-commerceLocal agricultureFresh products[SDGs]SDG3[SDGs]SDG12農產品創新電子商務模式Innovative Electronic Commerce Model of Fresh Productsthesis10.6342/NTU201600604