2016-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/671891摘要:本計畫將訓練科學觀察員於延繩釣漁船上採集南方黑鮪(Thunnus maccoyii)的耳石。所採集得的耳石將用於年齡查定,以判斷南方黑鮪的年齡。從年齡與體長,體重資料,將可估算得南方黑鮪的成長係數。藉由年齡與體長(體重)的轉換公式,大量的漁業記錄資料,將可用於建立我國所捕獲的南方黑鮪之年齡組成與成長。太平洋黑鮪(Thunnus orientalis)有兩處產卵場,分別為於日本海與西北太平洋區域,本計畫將檢視觀察員所採集的太平洋黑鮪耳石,以了解西北太平洋區域太平洋黑鮪產卵群體的年齡結構。此計畫亦將建立鑑定太平洋黑鮪基因型的分析方法,將來藉由親子配對,估計其生殖生物量。<br> Abstract: This project aims to train the scientific observers to collect otoliths of southern bluefin tuna (SBT, Thunnus maccoyii) from Taiwan longline fishery. The age of each SBT sampled for otoliths will be estimated by examining the otolith annuli. These data together with length and weight data will be used to evaluate the growth rate parameters of the SBT caught by Taiwanese longliners. Length and weight data of all SBT caught will be transformed into age data to understand the age composition via the age-length key. Pacific bluefin tuna (PBF, Thunnus orientalis) has two spawning grounds, one in the northwestern Pacific Ocean and the other in the Sea of Japan. We will examine the PBT otolith collected by the observers to estimate the age structure of the PBF spawners in northwestern Pacific Ocean. We will also establish a methodology to genotype the PBF, which will be used to estimate the spawning stock biomass by close-kin analysis.黑鮪年齡與成長親子鑑定bluefin tunaage and growthclose-kin analysis南方黑鮪及太平洋黑鮪漁獲年齡組成之研究