國立臺灣大學電機工程學系暨研究所顏嗣鈞2006-07-252018-07-062006-07-252018-07-061999-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/7696由於全球資訊網的廣泛的流行及使 用,已經讓網路的存取無所不在。然而 網路流量的快速成長以及現行網路架構 沒有能力處理這些需求,已經使得這個 現象成為「全球資訊等待」(World Wide Wait)的現象了。服務品質的條件,簡單 而言,是指由使用者透過網路所看到的 效能,例如即時影像的影像品質。由於 多元傳播的網路架構(例如Mbone)日漸 普及,所以支援多元傳播傳輸的服務品 質已經成為最近網路的研究焦點。因此 我們架設了一個可以支援多向式傳輸的 小型區域網路,以便測試一些多元傳輸 的工具,測試的項目包含了文字、聲音、 影像等,且在尚未建立服務品質的網路 上觀察各個軟體對其網路上的影響,以 便瞭解各個優缺點加以改進。接著,開 始利用資源頻寬保留和可選擇的排隊方 法建立一個有服務品質的網路。The popularity and widespread use of the World Wide Web (WWW) has caused Internet access to become ubiquitous. and However, exponentially increasing traffic and the inability of the Internet infrastructure to cope with the demands have also led to a phenomenon known as the “ World Wide Wait.” The term “Quality of Service” (QoS) refers to the performance seen by the end user across a network such as the Internet. Mbone, as a popular multicast infrastructure, provides little Quality of Service assurance. QoSbased multicast routing has therefore become the focus of research in the Internet community recently. In the first year of this project, we have set up a local LAN to support IP multicast and various Mbone tools. The test applications include text, voice, video, etc. In our design, RSVP and Alternate Queueing (ALTQ) have been utilized in our testbed to provide the enabling mechanisms to support QoS services.application/pdf114529 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學電機工程學系暨研究所多元傳播網路架構多元傳播服務品質資源頻寬保留MbonemulticastQoSRSVPALTQ服務品質保證之網際網路多向式傳輸促成工具(I)QoS-based Multicast Enablers for the Internet (I)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/7696/1/882213E002065.pdf