2010-08-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/646165摘要:糖尿病病患的健康照護是目前相當重要的議題。糖尿病最可怕的是它伴隨的併發症,例如糖尿病視網膜病變和黃斑部病變,對病患的視覺有很大的影響。視覺是人類收集外界訊息的首要管道,當視覺受到傷害,學習、工作、人際互動和生活功能都會受到嚴重的影響。在職能治療領域,個案的視覺功能是基本的評估項目,治療師需要了解視覺是如何影響個案的日常生活功能,並於後續的復健治療中注意視覺功能對執行日常活動之影響,或是優先考量處理視覺問題,以增進日常活動之獨立性。然而要進行視覺評估和視覺復健之前提,則是要有適合的評估工具。糖尿病造成的視覺問題是多樣性的,視力之外被研究最多的就是對比敏感度。對比敏感度又稱為功能性視覺,被認為比視力更能反應人類的日常功能。本研究是基於視覺神經科學的證據和過去對糖尿病病患對比敏感度之研究,以病例對照研究法,希望能在未來三年執行一個開發新的對比知覺測驗工具,以及驗證測量對比知覺的工具之心理計量特性的研究。因此,本研究預計第一年先開發測量中央窩外圍對比知覺功能的測驗工具和M 通道和P 通道的對比區辨功能的測驗工具;第二和第三年探討使用CSV-1000E、F.A.C.T.、中央窩外圍對比知覺功能測驗工具、M 通道和P 通道的對比區辨功能測驗工具,在糖尿病病患時之效度和信度。預計共收病例組及控制組共105 名個案。目標在提供更適合國人、更完整與簡便的對比知覺評估方式。<br> Abstract: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality inTaiwan. In spite of the improved levels of public health and medicine, the prevalenceof diabetes is increased gradually in the general population. Therefore, the trend ofincreasing huge burden on health-care systems will need more researchers andmedical professionals involved in the study and intervention of diabetics. Diabetes isa systemic disease and its complications will affect every major system of the body.Among these systemic diseases, microvascular complications will affect the eyes,such as diabetic retinopathy and macular edema, and cause multitude of visualimpairment. Because vision is the dominant sense in human perception of the externalworld, it is difficult to image the influence of visual impairment on daily living. Thefocus of occupational therapy is the client’s performance of activity of daily living,work and productive activities. Therefore, the focus on the assessment andintervention of the performance component of visual perception is critically importantin occupational therapy. However, validated measurement tools will be necessarybefore assessment and intervention. DM may cause different visual perceptualproblems. Besides the visual acuity, contrast sensitivity (CS) is investigated mostwidely and deeply. CS has been shown, more than visual acuity, to relate to functionalvision and the visual quality of everyday objects viewed at work and play. Therefore,the purposes of this proposal are to modify the Macular Mapping Test for parafovealcontrast, and to build the psychophysical measurement model for measuring thecontrast discrimination of the magnocellular and parvocellular pathways in the firstyear. In the second and third years, the purposes are to examine the validity andreliability of CSV-1000E, F.A.C.T., modified MMT, and test for magnocellular andparvocellular pathways contrast gain. A case-control study design will be used. A totalof one hundred and five participants will be included in the second year study. Theparticipants will divide into two groups: control and case groups. Results will provideDM patients with more validated, comprehensive, easy and fast measurement forcontrast perception.糖尿病對比視覺心理計量M 通道和P 通道diabetes mellituscontrastpsychometricmagnocellular and parvocellular pathwaysMeasurement of Contrast Perception in People with Diabetic Retinopathy