2002-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/691758摘要:材料的磨耗性質是非常重要的材料特性,對於此材料在使用時之環境與耐久性具有決定性的影響。通常磨潤學(tribology)是研究兩種材料接觸作反覆相對移動時在兩材料表面所發生的變化,以及當加入潤滑劑時的各種現象。但以往對於磨潤學中的一個特例:墨與硯台間的磨耗作用卻少有人研究。這個特例的重要性不僅是在文化藝術上定義出何謂好的硯石,更是在基礎科學上提供了一個在控制情況下穩定磨耗的研究題材,可以讓我們對兩個硬度相差極大的材料如何磨耗有更深入的瞭解。 本計畫提議,有系統地分析各種好壞硯石材料之岩石礦物種類、孔隙率、孔隙分布、表面硬度、粗糙度等基本性質,並且設計建造一部專用磨耗機,採用多變量統計進行實驗設計,在不同參數設定的狀況下進行墨與硯石之磨耗實驗。預期由此特例之研究可以建立具體的定量數學模型,並較明確的得知各種因素,包括硯石之原岩種類、結構缺陷(片理、層理等)、礦物組成、礦物排列、粗糙度(即打磨程度)等對墨汁中墨顆粒大小與數量的影響。本計畫不僅可以幫助文化界清楚定量的說明硯石優劣的原因、建立硯石材料的標準與規範,在工業技術上可以用陶瓷原料製造出高水準的硯台,更可以將基礎科學方面的成果應用到對<br> Abstract: The attrition behavior of ink stick working on ink stone is an intriguing special case in tribology. Hardly any previous studies, the construction process of a good ink stone became an art instead of a science. We find the subject interesting not only because ink stone is an important link in the traditional Chinese calligraphy, but also it provides us a special opportunity to study and understand the attrition behaviors between two materials with very different hardness. Our intention in this proposal will be to apply the general approach to various source rocks of ink stones, and determine their mineral compositions, porosities, pore size distributions, surface hardness and roughness, etc. We’ll also design and build a testing device for attrition experiments. In these experiments, based on statistical design of experiment, we’ll investigate the relationship between the several possible parameters and the quality of the ink, i.e. the sizes and amount of the carbon particles coming out of the grinding (attrition) process. The study will help us develop a mathematical model, and qualitatively describe the tribological behaviors of ink stick and ink stone. The results of this case study will increase our knowledge in the field of tribology.硯石礦物孔隙率粗糙度磨耗磨潤學。Ink stoneMineralsPorosityRoughnessAttritionTribology磨潤學特例-硯石材料之基本性質與磨耗性研究