2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714870The Department and Graduate Institute of Business Administration at NTU (NTUBA) have long been offering top business programs, training generations of superb managers in Taiwan, Greater China and around the world. Through our well-designed BA, MBA and PhD programs, students obtain general management skills that pave the road to their career success. NTU/BA is one of the best programs in Asia (Ranked No.2 in Eduniversal Ranking 2013/2014: Best Masters in General Management, Far East Asia, ). Most of our faculties earned PhD degrees from top universities in North America and Europe and publish cutting-edge research in international academic journals. Department Goals Enhance world class research Achievement. Academic orientation that meets the needs of contemporary enterprises. Innovative courses design. Develop science and technology integration and system integration talents, leadership and organization interdisciplinary academic research. Strengthen the teaching and research exchanges with well-known universities. Academic & Research Focus Our Department has five academic fields: Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, Marketing, Operations Decision Management, and Technology & Innovation Management. Academic & Research Activities Our faculty publishes high-quality research in worldwide leading academic journals, and actively participates in international academic activities. The department hosts international and local academic conferences, such as NTU/UCCS workshop(2015), Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workshop (with Carnegie Mellon University in 2013), Cloud Service Platform & Application System Development Seminar (2013). Decentralized Supply Chain Disruption Management Forum (2011), the 7th and 8th Forums on Military Operations Research & Modeling Simulation (with Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense in 2011-12), Chinese Organization Management Academic Forum (2010), the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations (2009), We will held The International Conference on Service Science and Innovation (ICSSI) on 2016. Our Sun Yun-Hsuan Memorial Management Forum is a legacy sponsored by leading companies including HP, TSMC, China Steel Corp., Far Eastern Group, Cathay Group, and Delta Electronics Inc., with a mission of inviting leaders from business, government and NGP/NPOs for the interaction of management ideas between the academics and the practice. International Partnership We offer our master and undergraduate students the opportunity of joining in Exchange Student Programs collaborated with Rutgers Business School, Newark and Brunswick at Rutgers, and the State University of New Jersey. We also have a visiting scholar program with UCCS(University of Colorado Colorado Springs)for PhD students.本系所的願景為培養具有全球經營能力的專業人才,是未來企業與大型組織最頂尖的專業管理人才,對管理之各項功能如策略管理、行銷管理、研發管理、作業與運籌管理、人力資源管理、財務管理等能作一整合而為企業領導之專才。 在大學四年及碩士班兩年的養成教育裡,本系所培養學生創新力、領導力、執行力、專業力、通溝力、整合力,祈使畢業後即能披上戰袍,接受商場嚴厲的磨練。 本系所的特色有以下幾項: 1.培養具備創新與整合特長的領導人才 處在當前知識經濟時代,企業未來的競爭優勢來自知識及創新,包括經營的創意與產品的創新,新世代的領導者必須具有創新能力。同時為因應企業規模日益擴大,管理問題日益複雜,整合能力也是成功管理者必備的要件。本系所能掌握知識經濟時代的需要,培養具備創新與整合特長的企業領導人才。 2.堅強的師資陣容與創新整合的模組課程設計 本系所教師皆出自全球優秀的名校,受到相當完善及嚴謹的學術訓練,具備全方位的管理專業,開授的課程最為完整,且大部份教師具備管理以外的第二專長,包括土木、電機、資訊、化工、經濟、心理等,可在授課時契合產業特性,提供最紮實的管理訓練。 大學部除專業管理必修課程外,學生可依其興趣規劃修習行銷管理模組、營運與決策模組、人力資源與組織管理模組、科技管理模組 本系所因應時代脈動與企業界合作開授各種實務課程,如與麥肯錫管理顧問公司合作開授「卓越化全球管理講座」,與台達電合作開授「綠色資本主義與產業發展專題研討」、與多家企業合作開授「當代領導管理─孫運璿先生管理講座」 3.卓越的學習環境 本系所堅信「惟有開放的學習環境,才能激發學生創意」。課程上嚴格要求,並鼓勵學生勇於發表自己的見解,自我擬定學習方向。此外,也鼓勵同學選修本校其他各系所之相關課程,以善用台大豐富的教學資源,期許同學多方發展,培養不同領域之專長。 4.推動整合性的研究與教學 本系所曾推動及成立各類整合性研究中心,包括流通管理、航空產業管理、台灣產業管理、多媒體網路、全球台商、高科技等研究中心、商業智慧實驗室、企業決策與管理風險實驗室等,結合教學與企業研究,並回饋社會。系所多位教師長期擔任政府及企業界的管理顧問,負責多項研究計畫及各項審議等工作。 5.多元化的教育 本系所每年招收不同背景之各校菁英及社會上具有多年工作經驗之在職學生,期許不同管道的學生來源,能加強學生對多元社會的認識,以及理論與實務的整合。並鼓勵同學於學習過程中,能主動參與學校各種事務活動及學生社團活動,從服務付出與關懷社會的過程中,培養同學具有溝通協調、團隊合作、責任心及情緒管理的能力。 6.全球化的視野與國際化的管理能力 面對當前社會及產業環境的變遷,企業未來經營環境將趨於自由化與國際化,跨領域的整合能力將日顯重要。期望同學處在當前多變的社會環境中,能認識及尊重不同的價值觀、培養多方興趣與專長,並整合資源與能力以期創造綜效。Business AdministrationAcademic Institute