2008-05-122024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/661203摘要:臺灣位於環太平洋地震帶,板塊運動頻繁,地勢陡峭,地質構造複雜,而季節性颱風豪雨的豐沛雨量,使臺灣符合土石流的基本發生要素,導致土石災害相當頻繁。行政院農業委員會自民國80年起即陸續進行土石流潛勢溪流之調查工作,並於民國92年委託臺灣大學進行土石流潛勢溪流後續調查與演變趨勢觀測,包括全國1420條土石流潛勢溪流現況調查、潛勢區劃定與製圖、評估與標定告示牌之設置位置、影響範圍內保全對象清查與資料建置,以及潛在危險聚落調查與評估,並製作調查結果展示系統等工作。 民國94年的「研擬土石流潛勢溪流資料更新與回饋機制」計畫,民國95、96年的「土石流潛勢溪流資料管理與更新」計畫皆針對土石流潛勢溪流資料庫實施年度維護,而民國96年所完成之「土石流災害潛勢資料公開辦法作業要點」草案,更建議以五年一度為基準進行土石流潛勢資料庫之更新作業。自民國91年起迄今已逾五年,為維護資料庫資料之正確性及適切反應現狀及潛勢等級,對於土石流潛勢溪流資料庫有整體性維護更新與修訂之必要,同時進一步測試評估各溪流之潛勢等級及處理優先順序,以提供該資料庫防災應用之參考依據。 本計畫之目的乃為重整繁瑣的土石流潛勢溪流資料庫,精簡與修正資料庫內相關欄位與內容,提供資料使用單位詳實有效之資訊。此外,參考國外災害資料管理模式,協助水保局推動潛勢資料公開法制化程序,落實地方政府對於土石流潛勢溪流資料進行自主管理及運用;同時,檢討土石流潛勢溪流之自然潛勢與優先順序之分級與評定,並進行現地勘察及圖資整理等工作,藉由此土石流潛勢資料相關成果,期使災害防救工作制度更完善而有效率。 <br> Abstract: Taiwan is located on the Circum- Pacific seismic zone. Plate tectonic actions causing steep slopes and complex geological settings, and heavy rainfall induced by seasonal typhoons, dimmed Taiwan with high potential of debris flows hazards. Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, has launched the investigations for streams with potential debris flow since 1991. In 2003, the SWCB commissioned National Taiwan University to pursue follow-up investigations and to monitor the evolutions of potential debris flow. The work includes debris flow stream site investigation, potential area identification, rating and evaluation, and mapping, database establishment of affected area and evaluation of potential hazardous villages, and establishing query system for the potential data, for the 1420 potential debris flows in Taiwan. “Researching and planning for update and feedback system of the debris flow potential database” project in 2005, and “The debris flow potential database management and update” project in 2006 and 2007 all aimed at annual maintenance of debris flow potential database. The draft of “The regulation of making the debris flow potential database public”, which was compiled in 2007, advises overall renewal of the potential debris flow database every five years. It’s already 5 years since 2002. In order to maintain correctness and reflect the field conditions and potential ranking, it is necessary to update and revise the debris flow potential database; meanwhile, it is also important to re-evaluate potential and management priorities in order to provide vital information for hazard management. The objective of this project is to update the database of the debris flow potential, and to amend the update contents in the database for more effective using of the essential information; to assist SWCB in establishing legislation by referencing disaster management model of other countries; to enhance the local government’s management and executive ability for future application of the database. In addition, this project re-evaluates the rating of debris flow potential and management priorities. The result would provide effective and essential information system for debris flow hazard mitigation.土石流潛勢溪流土石流潛勢溪流資料庫土石流災害潛勢資料公開辦法作業要點法制化程序potential debris flow torrentdebris flow potential databasethe regulation of making the debris flow potential database publiclegislation.97年土石流潛勢溪流資料更新與潛勢分析