臺灣大學: 環境工程學研究所馬鴻文李雨軒Li, Yu-HsuanYu-HsuanLi2013-03-252018-06-282013-03-252018-06-282012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/251938依據美國整治評定流程顯示,於整治計畫的研擬過程中僅以場址中降低汙染物濃度的可行性作為選擇的因素,而忽略管理整治過程的資能源耗用量及造成環境衝擊的排放量,因此使整治過程被視為不具永續性的人類活動,所以美國環保署進而應用永續思維建構綠色整治的架構以彌補上述的缺點。另一方面,回顧台灣的整治判定流程亦有相同的缺點,台灣環保署僅要求評估者規劃整治過程的汙染防治計畫,此舉著重於管末防範而缺乏資能源耗用源頭管理與環境衝擊事先減量的概念,故台灣的整治流程亦須研究提升整治行動永續性的方法與架構。 過去汙染場址整治行動結合永續思維主要有三項研究:褐地計畫、綠色整治及永續整治,其中綠色整治為首度將整治過程的環境衝擊影響納入整治流程中,因此提出涵蓋環境衝擊議題廣泛的減量策略,並應用生命週期思考的方式盤查相關資訊為其優點;而永續整治則提出從永續設計到永續評估的完整流程架構,並將影響層面從綠色整治的環境面擴展至經濟及社會層面的連帶影響為其特色;褐地計畫以增加受汙染土地永續再利用的機會為研究目的,而參考土地再利用型態制定整治濃度基準為其方法之一,對於採用該制度的國家可因土地再利用的事先決定而使整治濃度基準較為寬鬆,且該方法亦會影響整治行動的永續性,故將其納入永續整治的流程中一併考量。 台灣永續整治流程的建構先從上述各研究中汲取優點並改善缺點,除了保留原本篩選整治技術的程序外,於其程序前結合土地利用型態訂定整治濃度基準方式,於其程序後應用生命週期評估整治技術的研究連接永續設計到永續評估的程序,最後利用一案例測試流程的完整性及各程序需要收集的評估資料,以作為後續應用該流程的案例參考。According to the remediation processes of the American, they only consider how to reduce the concentration of the pollutant in the site. Hence, they ignore not only the consumption of the resource and the energy, but the impact on the environment during the remediation period. The remediation action is regarded as an unsustainable human activity. To improve the disadvantage, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency applies the sustainable concepts to develop the green remediation. On the other hand, by reviewing the Taiwan remediation processes, we can find that Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency only asks the planners to design the pollution control plan. Under the circumstances, only the endpoints are focused, and the management of the resource and the energy in advance to abate the environmental impact is lacking. Therefore, we should learn how to improve the sustainability of remediation action. In the past, there are three studies which combine the remediation action with the sustainable thinking: brownfield, green remediation and sustainable remediation. Green remediation first takes the environmental impact during the remediation period into consideration. The advantages are the researching on the whole strategies of promoting the sustainability during the remediation period and the application of life cycle thinking to reveal relative information. Sustainable remediation develops complete processes from sustainable design to sustainable evaluation. It also expands the concerned issues to the aspect of economy and society. Brownfield focuses on how to evaluate the opportunities of reusing the contaminated sites. One of the methods sets up remediation levels based on the type of the land reuse, which would be less strict than on the non-target land reuse. Furthermore, it would affect the sustainability of the remediation action. The advantages of the above studies are supposed to be adopted in Taiwan sustainable processes to concern the effect during the remediation period. To establish Taiwan sustainable remediation processes, this research develops two phases. First, it integrates the site-based remediation level with the original process of technologies selection. Second, it connects the process from sustainable design to sustainable evaluation and the original process of technologies selection by life cycle analysis of the remediation technologies. Moreover, a case study is presented to display the complete sustainable remediation processes and also the data planners are suggested to collect.776797 bytesapplication/pdfen-US永續整治褐地計畫綠色整治台灣整治流程Sustainable remediationGreen remediationBrownfieldTaiwan remediation processes[SDGs]SDG12台灣永續整治流程之建構暨案例分析Development of Taiwan Sustainable Remediation Processes and a Case Studythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/251938/1/ntu-101-R99541207-1.pdf