法律學院: 法律學研究所指導教授: 陳忠五葉偉立Yeh, Wei-LiWei-LiYeh2017-03-032018-07-052017-03-032018-07-052016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273273在侵害名譽權事件,刑事責任與民事責任之發展不同,在刑事誹謗罪認定行為人責任較寬鬆的潮流下,民事侵害名譽權亦朝向較嚴格的責任發展。因為刑事責任重在懲罰行為人,容易造成言論自由之壓抑,站在民主自由的立場,不應過度限制言論自由使人民因而入罪,故而以民事責任衡量行為人之言論自由與被害人名譽權之衝突較為適當。 民事侵害名譽權事件經常涉及原告之名譽權與被告之言論自由的衝突,鑒於不法性具有「客觀法規範價值違反」的「利益衡量功能」,本文建議民事責任上應以「行為不法性」之注意義務違反作為權利衝突的衡量平台,是故「過失」即不須再討論注意義務之違反,原則上可推定過失存在。 侵害名譽權樣態又可分為「事實陳述」與「意見表達」,兩者之區別方式為「可證明性」。事實陳述的侵害名譽權樣態,判斷上以刑法310條第3項之「真實抗辯」及司法院大法官第509號解釋之「相當理由確信真實」的「合理查證義務」互為搭配,事實為真則不構成名譽之侵害,事實為假則需探究有無盡合理查證義務。關於合理查證義務之內涵,最高法院曾在98年度台上字第1129號判決提出判斷因素,然而本文研究民國85年至民國104年計15年的最高法院判決發現,其中僅有「原告為公眾人物」及「言論涉及公益性」會影響到法院調整注意義務,大體為公共性高者稍微降低、公共性低者稍微提高注意義務,且根據比較法上之經驗,公共性確實有其重要性。本文肯定實務微調之方式,並提出在維持「善良管理人注意義務」的前提下,依照公共性高低,以「認定注意義務之違反的寬嚴」作為類型化之看法,即高公共性者認定較寬鬆、中度公共性者一般認定、低公共性者嚴格認定查證注意義務。如此可維持民事責任的嚴格認定外,又可顧及高公共性案件降低查證義務之需求。 在意見表達部分,民事責任上亦多參考刑法311條善意發表評論之規定,關於「善意」之動機本文認為不應參雜在不法性內判斷,民事實務上亦朝向藉由其他要件認定是否為善意發表言論之趨勢,值得肯定。又言論之態度應非刑法311條第3款「合理」與否之判斷重心,應將重心放在審查其評論所據之事實已否為大眾所知曉,或在評論之同時有無一併公開陳述。本文以為民事實務應可自行發展意見表達之標準,將刑法311條各款作為寬認言論合法之「例示規定」,最高法院已逐漸發展出不同的寬認言論合法之類型,較重要者為「一對一之談話空間」可以寬認意見表達合法。The development of civil (tort) defamation law in Taiwan is different from the criminal defamation law, the former’s liability is becoming stricter than the latter. Because the purpose of criminal liability is to punish the man who makes a defamatory statement, it will depress the freedom of speech. In order to protect the democratic society, we shall not over constrain the freedom of speech. It will be proper to compensate the one who’s reputation is infringed rather than punish the one who makes a defamatory statements. Using the tort law to reconcile freedom of speech and right of reputation is a better choice. The study suggests the structure of wrongfulness (Rechtswidrigkeit) in Taiwan is better than fault to reconcile freedom of speech and right of reputation. Because using the structure of “Handlungsunrecht” (Wrongfulness of behavior) in Wrongfulness to reconcile the objective factors to make a measurement of speech and reputation is better than using the subjective factors in fault, reconciling speech and reputation is all about the measurement of objective factors.And I suggest if someone is recognized wrongfulness, he/she may be recognized fault,either. Civil defamation cases can be divided into two categories, which are “fact” and “opinion”, fact is verifiable and opinion is not. Statement of fact uses the rule of “truth denfense” from Taiwan criminal code Article 3 No.310 and “reasonable investigation” from Grand Justices’ Interpretation No. 509. If the statement is true, the defendant will be find no liability in defamation, but the statement is false, we use the reasonable investigation to examine the defendant’s behavior. This study presents a comprehensive survey of civil defamation cases in the Taiwan Supreme Court from 1996 to April 2015, and finds that the courts will adjust the standard of duty of care in highly public cases such as public figures and matters of public. To loose the standard of duty of care in highly public cases is important, it protects the freedom of speech, but the importance of protecting the public figure’s reputation is the same. So I suggest keeping the “duty of care” in a reasonable man standard, but loosing the “breach of duty” standard in highly public cases. Statement of opinion in civil defamation cases usually refer to criminal code No. 311, but we don’t have to make the same interpretation in civil cases.Our courts in civil defamation law are developing their own standards. Such as the defendant and the other one talk the defamatory statements “in private”, the court will tend to hold the defendant no liability to the plaintiff.12636642 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/3/8論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)名譽權不法性大法官第509號解釋真實抗辯合理查證公眾人物公共議題合理評論reputationwrongfulnessfaultInterpretation No. 509truth defensereasonable investigationpublic figuresmatters of publicfair comment[SDGs]SDG16論侵害名譽權之不法性The Study on Wrongfulness of Civil Defamation Lawthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273273/1/ntu-105-R00A21101-1.pdf