2012-07-262024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/683911摘要:本計畫旨在提供司法院研修刑事補償法之參考,內容包括:1.就刑事補償擴及拘提、逮捕、搜索、扣押或其他必要處分之命令,蒐集相關國內外學理見解、外國立法例、及外國法制實務運作情形;2.如將搜索、扣押納入刑事補償範圍,因刑事程序中受搜索、扣押之特別犧牲之人民如何補償,及對司法實務及政府財政之衝擊程度,研擬分析人民因搜索、扣押所受財產損失類型及特色為何,並就損失類型研擬妥適之補償標準;3.針對立法院附帶決議略以:「……二、司法院為落實兩人權公約及釋字第670號解釋意旨所提刑事補償法修正草案,限於修法時程,未及就拘提、逮捕、搜索、扣押等干預人民基本權之刑事補償,詳加規劃,……,應提出拘提、逮捕、搜索、扣押等干預人民基本權利之刑事補償法修正草案」一案,擬具修正草案並檢具評估立法衝擊影響。 <br> Abstract: This research aims to provide references of the draft amendment to the "Law of Compensation for Wrongful Detentions and Executions" for Judicial Yuan. It includes: 1. to collect the related domestic and foreign theories or articles, foreign laws and foreign practices about expanding compensation to arrests, searches and distraints; 2. to study how to compensate the people who sacrifice in searches and distraints and the impact on the judicial practice and the governmental finance, to analyse the property loss styles and features, and to design a proper standard of compensation; 3. to draft an amendment and to estimate the impact of the legislation.刑事補償法制專題研究