臺灣大學: 政治學研究所陳淳文張玉薇Chang, Yu-WeiYu-WeiChang2013-03-292018-06-282013-03-292018-06-282011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/254302本研究從我國歷年選舉中發現候選人習以運用選舉語言作為操弄選民的宣傳手段,若造成其他候選人的名譽受損、影響選舉公平法益的維持,便值得加以規範。因此,本研究便從在選舉過程中影響選舉公平的競選言論下手,認為只要是影響選舉公平法益的言論,便是本研究認為值得討論的競選言論。因此,本研究整理歸類出五種類型的競選言論,若以內容和非內容規制來區分,在內容規制方面可分為競選過程中的誹謗言論、競選過程的仇恨言論和選舉資訊誇大不實等三項。在非內容管制部份,則分為民調發布和利用違規方式所發布之競選言論等兩項。 關於選舉言論的管制合憲性討論,目前我國大法官尚未提出相關解釋。但本研究透過以往大法官釋字分析和美國最高法院的判例經驗兩者分析,推敲我國大法官對於選舉言論的管制態度,並運用比例原則討論,總結來說,關於管制選舉過程中的競選言論應屬合憲。 透過大量的法院判決書和個案實務分析,本研究提出以下幾點建議可以協助現況問題之改善。在法規修正方面,首先,將選舉誹謗罪之法定刑期提高,及建立選舉誹謗速審制期能改善目前選舉誹謗管制功效不彰,且阻遏效果不力之窘境。再者,將選舉誹謗列為當選無效訴訟之事由,還給受害者公道,並徹底維護選舉公平法益。選舉誹謗被告連坐制之適用,避免候選人不擇手段利用他人作選舉誹謗之事。第三,仿照刑法誹謗罪,惡意揭露候選人隱私者,仍須考量處罰。第四,在公職人員選罷法中增列管制「選舉仇恨言論」之法條。第五,在公職人員選罷法中增列管制「使自身當選而作不實自身資訊陳述」之法條。第六,在公職人員選罷法中增列管制選舉民調之行政管制,並設置獨立之民調發布監察小組。在現有機制強化方面,應強化公民監督團體的力量及期許媒體發揮自律。This Article found that the candidates have been getting used to using deceptive negative statements in their speech in order to mislead electoral process and win the election. Therefore, this article is focus on freedom of speech in campaign, which is considered to threat the equity in electoral process. There are five types in campaign speech distinguished with content-based regulation and content-neutral regulation including defamation, hate speech, deceptive speech, polls, and unlawful speech. Searching all of J. Y. Interpretation, the Honorable Justices didn’t have filed J. Y. Interpretation about campaign speech issues. However, this article analyzed some of J. Y. Interpretation which is interrelated with freedom of speech and American experience, and concluded that regulation in false campaign speech is not unconstitutional. After studying amounts of cases, this article found some problems and made some suggestions to make better. This article made a proposal to improve these weaknesses. First, legislators have to reconsider the minimum of sentence and speedy trial. Second, legislators should add “defamation in campaign” in circumstances of Article 120 of Civil Servants Election and Recall Act. Third, Article 104 should include the contents of the discipline of exposing others’ privacy. Fourth, legislators should add a new article “hate speech in campaign” in Civil Servants Election and Recall Act. Fifth, legislators should add new article“ spreading false saying about a candidate’s profile” in the former Act. Last, make new regulations about election survey. On the other hand, civic groups should have being making effort to supervise the worse candidates. The mass media shouldn’t mislead audience but report genuinely.1233052 bytesapplication/pdfen-US競選言論選舉言論言論自由負面競選選舉誹謗選舉仇恨言論選舉民調發布公職人員選罷法Campaign speechFreedom of SpeechNegative campaigndefamation in electoral processhate speech in electoral processelection surveyCivil Servants Election and Recall Act[SDGs]SDG16競選過程中的言論自由—我國負面競選之規制與改進對策Freedom of Speech in Political Campaign—A Proposal for Regulating Negative Campaign Speech in Taiwanthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/254302/1/ntu-100-R96322042-1.pdf