臺灣大學: 經濟學研究所陳恭平黃耀民Huang, Yao-MinYao-MinHuang2013-03-272018-06-282013-03-272018-06-282011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/253166買家重複出價是網路拍賣中一個普遍的現象,而原賦效果可能是造成這個現象的原因。有些文獻指出,隨著領先時間的增加,買家可能對拍賣商品發展出所有權的認知;由於不願放棄所有物,因此買家在被超越之後會選擇再度出價競標。本文使用台灣雅虎奇摩拍賣消費級數位相機資料針對買家領先時間與他再次出價的機率進行迴歸分析,試圖驗證兩者之間是否具有正向關係。在研究過程中,我們發現領先時間除了原賦效果之外還帶給買家其他資訊:當買家僅領先很短的時間時,代表該拍賣的競爭環境較為強烈,這將刺激買家繼續出價;另一方面,由於拍賣商品可能具有共同價值的特性,領先時間越長可能代表買家的出價過於樂觀,因此買家可能對於再次出價會更為謹慎。競爭環境與共同價值兩效果將導致買家再次出價的機率隨著領先時間增加而下降,加上原賦效果的影響,我們推論:在領先初期,由於買家尚未發展出對拍賣商品的所有權意識,因此共同價值與競爭環境的影響使得買家再次出價之機率隨領先時間增加而下降;當領先時間足夠長後,原賦效果的影響將使得買家出價的機率隨著領先時間的增加而上升。我們的實證結果支持這個推論。One bidder submitting multiple bids is a prevalent phenomenon in online auctions. Some literatures argue that endowment effect may result in over-bidding. Endowment effect describes the fact that people often demand more to give up an item than they will pay to acquire it. As the leading time becomes longer, bidders may develop a psychological ownership for the object auctioned. Endowment effect makes people submit another higher bid to avoid losing “their” item. We use the data of Yahoo! Auction Taiwan to examine whether the positive relationship between the time of being highest bidder and the probability of rebidding exists. However, we find that leading time may have other effects on bidder behavior. First, a very short leading time implies that the auction is very competitive. This situation may make bidders more eager to win the auction, so the possibility of rebidding increases. Second, if the values of the object to bidders are interdependent, the leading time is informative. A bidder may infer the previous bid he submitted is too high if he led for a long period of time. These effects will make the probability of rebidding decrease with leading time. Since the perception of owning an item needs time to develop, we suggest that when the bidders lead for a relatively short period of time, the probability of rebidding and the leading time are negatively correlated. After the leading time is so long that the bidder thinks he is the owner of the object, the probability of rebidding starts to increase with leading time. The regression results in this thesis support our hypothesis.577273 bytesapplication/pdfen-US網路拍賣原賦效果共同價值重複出價競爭激勵online auctionendowment effectcommon valuemultiple biddingcompetitive arousal網路拍賣中的原賦效果Endowment Effect in Online Auctionsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/253166/1/ntu-100-R96323016-1.pdf