黃恆獎Huang, Heng-Chiang臺灣大學:國際企業學研究所吳韶卿Wu, Shao-ChingShao-ChingWu2010-05-112018-06-292010-05-112018-06-292009U0001-0608200916423000http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/182730台灣的資訊電子相關產業,不論在產業面、技術面、都在全世界佔有舉足輕重的位置,而政府也積極培養產業的發展。然而扮演關鍵角色的軟體產業,台灣卻是遠遠落後歐美工業大國,一旦失去了軟體技術與市場的主導權,在整體的資訊產業發展上就容易受制於歐美大廠的束縛,因此如何創造更多的軟體企業,開創更大的軟體市場,一直是各國努力的目標。然如此,台灣仍然有一些優秀的軟體公司,在國際市場上發光發熱,取得該領域市場的領先位置,不論在品牌與技術上皆擁有傲人的成績,其中尤以趨勢科技為代表典範之一。因此,本研究特別挑選趨勢科技為個案分析,針對個案公司在行銷領域上非常關鍵的通路行銷策略做深度分析,對照本文所提出的理論和觀念,從而獲得一些寶貴的發現,作為其他後續研究以及軟體公司制訂有效通路行銷策略的參考。In the high-tech IT industry, Taiwan has successfully played a leading role in some fields with the capability of influencing the industry and market trends. In addition, Taiwan government has also invested massive amount of resources to develop long term plans in supporting domestic companies. However, only a few software companies have successfully developed their own brandnames and are able to complete in the global market. Given the tough competitive environment today, leading Western software companies in the US and Europe dominate the market by defining the technical specification, resulting in creating an entry barrier preventing new competitors to enter the field. rend Micro Incorporated, which is a well-known leading global security company, has successful developed its own brand and has taken a leading position in the industry. This thesis will use Trend Micro as a case study and attempt to analyze the company and its business unit in terms of channel marketing strategies regarding packaged software. Next, we will explore significant findings on best practices versus theoretical channel marketing. The objective of this thesis is to develop lessons given the findings in the hope of helping other Taiwanese software companies develop marketing strategies to create more effective channels.口試委員會審定書…II謝……… III文摘要… IV文摘要……V錄 ………VII目錄 IX目錄 XII一章 導論 1一節、研究背景與動機 1二節、研究目的與問題 5二章 文獻探討 7一節、策略相關文獻 7二節、關鍵成功因素 15三節、通路相關研究 17四節、套裝軟體相關研究 31三章 產業分析 40一節、套裝軟體的定義與概況 40二節、套裝軟體市場分析 50三節、套裝軟體的競爭模式 54四節、套裝軟體的銷售通路策略 57四章 趨勢科技的個案分析 64一節、趨勢科技簡介與主要挑戰 64二節、趨勢科技的組織層級與行銷策略 73三節、趨勢科技的消費性市場規劃與行銷策略 78四節、趨勢科技的通路行銷策略 84五章 結論與建議 89一節、主要發現 89二節、行銷與管理意涵 92三節、研究限制 95四節、未來研究建議 96考文獻 97錄 105application/pdf2877721 bytesapplication/pdfen-US通路行銷行銷策略趨勢科技資訊軟體產業套裝軟體公司Channel MarketingMarketing StrategyTrend Micro incorporated.Information Software IndustryPackaged Software Company套裝軟體公司的通路行銷策略分析-以趨勢科技公司為例An Analysis on Channel Marketing Strategies of Packaged Software Companies - The Case of Trend Micro Incorporated.thesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/182730/1/ntu-98-P95746028-1.pdf