文學院: 哲學研究所指導教授: 杜保瑞溫子琳Wen, Zi-LinZi-LinWen2017-03-032018-05-292017-03-032018-05-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273997本文的研究主題為《論語》書中的君子觀。作為《論語》所推崇的理想人格,君子歷來為學界所重。前人有考「君子」概念的意蘊變化,此概念逐漸從一個對有位者的稱呼而遷變為一個對有德者的美稱,而《論語》書正促成了這一變化,對後世有了深遠的影響。但是,由於本文要回歸《論語》原文的意蘊,除去有德義之「君子」以外,還將強調有位義之「君子」。「位」即天子、諸侯、卿大夫之位,是君子上達所指向的目標之一。君子若有德無位,其道德修養將止於其身而無法惠及天下百民。 為說明「君子」概念意蘊的豐富性,本文嘗試以《論語》書中的各色人物來來說明君子的品質。「君子」作為一個概念,在《論語》書中是浮動性的,其涵蓋範圍可始於「志士」而終於「聖人」;而君子作為一個落入實踐範疇的角色,於志道的過程中免不了犯錯,但其間必有可取者。本文將攫取《論語》書中人物值得褒揚的品質,以之作為君子當有之品質;而又羅列當為貶抑的惡德,以之從反面說明君子的品質。其中,孔子對古代聖王的嚮往以及其自身的立身處世將能說明君子境界之最高者,即聖人品質。最後,本文的結論是:在實踐的意義上,《論語》書中「君子」的完整意蘊當為一方面表現為對在位者的德性要求,另一方面表現為對有德之人的入世要求。 本文分作五章,第一章為緒論,將說明本文的研究主題、研究進路、研究方法、全文結構、文獻綜述五項內容。 第二章為概念釐清,分作四節。第一節釐清《論語》書中出現的「君子」概念的四項意涵,將其中涉及有位者的挑出進行詳細分析,並探究有位者對天下的影響。第二節分析則偏重有德義的「君子」概念,將其與書中出現的其餘人物評鑑概念相比較,找到其中的重合處,以說明「君子」概念的浮動性。第三節嘗試分析「仁」與「道」概念在全書中的完整意蘊,包括有德、有位與有德有位三個面向,以輔證「君子」意蘊的完整性。第四節為全章小結。 第三章進入人物分析,嘗試勾勒出孔門弟子的君子圖象。《論語》中所記孔門弟子共二十八人,將分作六節進行介紹,分別為孔門十哲中的德行科四人、言語科二人、政事科二人、文學科二人、孔門弟子中的狂者與狷者以及餘下的孔門弟子一覽。孔子評價弟子的品質,除去有德意蘊的內容以外,亦相當重視弟子的從政能力,此可證「位」在君子上達過程中的重要性。第七節為本章小結。 第四章亦為人物分析,嘗試呈現出古人以及除孔門弟子外的時人的君子圖象,分作五節。第一節是對古人的分析,包括古代聖王、賢臣與讓位者,皆為孔子推崇。第二節與第三節分別分析為孔子稱讚的時人與為孔子貶抑的時人,從正反兩面說明君子之品質。第四節則分析孔子本人的君子品質。最後一節為本章小結。 第五章為全文結論。The focus of this thesis is the statements of chün-tzu (or “gentleman”) in the Analects. As an ideal character in the Analects, chün-tzu has been one of the main issues in the academic world. Based on some previous study conclusions, the meaning of chün-tzu had been changed from a name for lords to a praise of a virtue man; and the Analects, which pull the trigger, has affected later Chinese civilization enormously. However, as my concern about the original meanings of the Analects, the concept of chün-tzu implies both morality and nobility as a result. As a character that should keep progressing towards the Way, the nobility of the Emperor (or “the great lord”), the Dukes (or “the ferdal lords”) and the Counsellors is one of the goals that a chün-tzu should achieve. A moral man without an official position cannot succeed in caring for the common people. To reveal different meanings implied by the concept of chün-tzu, this thesis tries to display the virtues of every vivid character in the Analects. The concept of chün-tzu had been used in a flexible way in the book. A man as shih (or “gentleman of purpose”) who sets his heart on the Way can be called chün-tzu and the sage is the final destination of his progress and learning. Some mistakes are unavoidable for a chün-tzu as shih, but there must be some good virtues. Both the good virtues and mistakes can help reveal the virtues of a chün-tzu from opposite aspects. Confucius’s yearning towards ancient sage-emperors and his own behavior throughout his life can demonstrate the virtues of sages. Finally, my conclusion is that the fullfilling of a chün-tzu requires both morality and official position. This thesis comprises five chapters. The first chapter introduces the main topic, approachs, methods, structure of this thesis and a literature review. The second chapter clarifies some concepts in the Analects and is divided into four sections. The first section clarifies the concept of chün-tzu, which has four meanings in the book: Confucius, the ruler, a virtue man and a moral ruler. Texts of the Analects concerning the second meaning will be analyzed in details, and how a ruler affects the whole society will be discussed as a profound issue in the Analects. The influence of a ruler is considered as the reason why the second meaning of chün-tzu had been emphasized. The second section lays particular stress on the third meaning of chün-tzu. The overlaps between chün-tzu and other concepts referring to the evaluations of different characters will be presented to explain different virtues indicated by the word chün-tzu. Furthermore, two important concepts, Ren and Tao (the Way) will also be analyzed in the third section. Both of the two concepts have three meanings linked with the last three meanings of chün-tzu. The fourth section is a summary. The third and the fourth chapter are the main body of this thesis, which analyzes different vivid charaters in the Analects. The third chapter focuses on twenty-eight Confucian disciples and separates them into five sections: virtuous conduct, speech, government, literature, the undisciplined and the over-scrupulous, and etc. When evaluating his disciples’ virtues, Confucius often mentioned their political abilities, which helps demonstrate the importance of an official position for a chün-tzu. The fourth chapter concentrates on ancient characters and contemporaries except Confucian disciples. Ancient characters contain ancient sage-emperors, virtue ministers and virtue men who abdicated from his leadership. In the second and third section, features of the contemporaries with good virtues and bad virtues will help reveal the proper way that a chün-tzu should behave in. The behaviors of Confucius throughout his lifetime will be mentioned in the fourth section. The final section is a summary. The final chapter is a conclusion of the whole thesis.2716655 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2015/8/11論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)論語理想人格君子聖人孔門弟子the Analectsideal characterchu?n-tzushihsageConfucian disciples《論語》之君子觀A Study of Chu?n-tzu in The Analectsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273997/1/ntu-104-R01124013-1.pdf