2006-02-232024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/665730摘要:本計畫之目標在於探討利用海巡船舶運動反算分析波浪的方法,建置台灣海域即時波浪場測報系統之可行性及其雛形規劃,並建立其相關核心技術,以作為建置該系統之基礎。本研究以四年為期,依序進行下述步驟:94年度(上一年度)執行波浪反算分析方法及程式之研發; 95年度(本年度)進行無線式船舶運動量測模組之研發; 96年度進行台灣海域波浪全貌分析方法及程式之研發; 97年度進行利用海巡船舶運動推算台灣海域即時波浪場之系統雛形規劃與模擬。94年度(上一年度)計畫已完成類神經網路模式之建構,使之成為可從船體運動結果反算遭遇波浪有義波高、週期及波向之有效工具。而本年度計畫之主要目標在於完成無線式船舶運動量測模組之研發,其主要實施步驟包括:加速度感測及無線傳輸模組建構,橫搖角、縱搖角感測及無線傳輸模組建構,船舶運動演算及統計分析模組建構,系統驗證與評估。本期研究預期完成無線式船舶運動量測模組技術,建立便於安裝使用與維護的船舶運動量測模組,將使得大量使用於海巡船舶成為可行,這是本研究全程計畫中的關鍵硬體技術。應用本研究四年期完成後所建立的核心技術,配合利用遍佈台灣海域值勤的海巡船舶運動,進行台灣海域場即時測報的<br> Abstract: The purpose of this research project is to develop a model that can be used to evaluate wave field basing on ship motions, and to study the feasibility of setting up a ship-bone wave monitoring system for the sea area around Taiwan. Besides, the related key technologies will be also developed in this project of four years term.Firstly, in the 1st year (FY94), the method and computer program to evaluate wave field basing on ship motions will be developed, then in the 2nd year (FY95), wireless module for ship motions measurement will be developed, and the method and computer program to evaluate the overall wave field of the sea area around Taiwan basing on the ship motions data of a fleet will be developed in the 3rd year (FY96), finally, in the 4th year (FY97), the planning as well as simulation for the ship-bone wave monitoring system for the sea area around Taiwan by using the fleet of Taiwan Coast Guard will be followed.In the last year (FY94), A neural networks model has been developed to evaluate the significant wave height, period and direction basing on ship motions. In this year (FY95), the procedures to development wireless module for ship motions measurement are as follows: accelerometer with wireless module will be developed firstly, and then pitch and roll measuring inclinemeter with wireless module will be developed. Statistics and motions analysis module developing will be followed. Finally, the developed wireless ship motions measurement sub-system will be tested and evaluated. The success of this sub-system will make it feasible to install these sub-systems on the fleet of Taiwan Coast Guard and become a key technology of hard ware in this research project.船舶運動波浪無線式模組ship motionswavewireless module船舶運動推算臺灣海域即時波浪場之模式建立之研究(2/4)