2009-08-012024-05-16https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/668412摘要:選舉課責(Electoral Accountability)是觀察民主體制的表現與民主品質一個非常重要的指標,它的焦點是政治人物的所作所為,公民或政府機構事後是否能給於適當的支持或懲罰。選民要如何才能改進經由選舉機制產生對政府課責的目的,可能的方法或途徑很多,本計畫主要研究一項過去被一般人所忽略,但最近被國外學界廣泛重視的機制,那就是台灣的政黨組織是否能逐漸建立具有政策綱領(programmatic)的政黨競爭體系。其特質是公民與政治人物之間的連結,是因公民認同其某些政黨的公共福利主張,符合最多數人的利益,而不是因某些政治領袖個人的特質(charismatic),或政治人物透過物質利益直接交換而投票給他。當公民對政治人物的作為知道很少,或是不相信政治人物能遵守其競選承諾,則公民與政治人物的連結關係就會變得十分脆弱。導致公民和政治人物之間的連結,要藉由家族或其他個人關係而形成,這是一種非常個人化的結構關係。然而,如果公民可以依賴各種穩定的政治團體,也就是政黨,則可以讓公民掌握政治人物更多的資訊,並強迫政治人物對其行動負責。因此,政黨是這種連結公民和政治人物的核心。本計畫將採用菁英深度訪談的研究方法,預計訪問100位,散佈在全台各地,包括學者專家、政治新聞記者、地方樁腳、國民黨與民進黨中央與地方黨工等,並採用歷史比較的方法,分析民主轉型初期、國會全面改選、總統直選與政黨輪替後,幾個重要關鍵點上政黨組織的變化。<br> Abstract: Electoral accountability is one of the most important indicators observing the performance of democratic system as well as quality of democracy. It indicates if appropriate support or punishment is provided to the citizens and government institutions according to the performance/behavior of political elites. There are many means used by the citizens to improve electoral accountability. However, this project focuses on a system, which gains attention recently by western scholars. The system is to develop programmatic party competition system, a means that links the citizens and political elites based on policy preference, not charismatic personality of the political elites or exchange of benefits. The relationship between the citizens and political elites becomes fragile when citizens either know little about the political elites or they simply do not believe the political elites. In this case, the linkage is developed based on personal relationship, which is a very personalized structure. However, if citizens are able to depend on the political parties in accessing information about political elites, and force those elites to take responsibility of their policies, then the political parties will be the core establishing trust between citizens and political elites. The project will use focus group method to interview political elites and professionals to gather information on the matter. One hundred political elites and professionals across Taiwan, including scholars, journalists, canvassers, and party staff, will be selected to be interviewed. Meanwhile, from the historical perspective, the analysis on the changes of party structure, from transition, overall re-election of legislators, direct presidential election, to the first power rotation, will be carried out.政黨選舉課責選舉制度社會分歧競選策略PartyElectoral AccountabilityElectoral SystemSocial CleavageCampaigning Strategy政黨與選舉課責:台灣的公民與政治人物連結關係之研究(1986~2008)