臺灣大學: 環境工程學研究所於幼華李建賢Hsien Lee, ChienChienHsien Lee2013-04-102018-06-282013-04-102018-06-282010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/256977台灣自2001年通過促進民間參與公共建設法,正式將公私合營(Public-Private partnership ,PPP)的觀念引進台灣,習慣上以BOT(build/operate/transfer)來通稱,如同世界上其他國家一樣,希望將BOT運用到各類公共基礎建設計畫上,污水下水道建設計畫也是其中之一。爰自2003年起共有36處污水下水道建設計畫採用類似PFI(Private Financial Initiative)的機制辦理(以下稱污水下水道促參計畫),但截至2010年底止,僅有6 處系統完成招商及簽約執行。本研究透過對污水下水道促參計畫的財務機制的探討,解析了污水下水道促參計畫的付費機制及財務模型,另外分析特許期限、資金結構及資金成本率等對污水處理費的影響,並以實際案例說明促參計畫的執行現況,目前三處已簽約進入營運期的促參系統,均符合加速污水下水道建設之預期目標。本研究建立污水下水道促參計畫的資料庫,並選擇羅東污水下水道系統為案例,建置成本效益分析試算模型,發現傳統採購及促參計畫兩種模式,在計畫執行的35年期間所需投入污染控制成本差異不大,但所呈現的環境效益卻有顯著的差異。傳統採購初期所呈現的成本效益淨現值為負值,在計畫執行到第12年時才出現正值,但促參計畫從計畫一開始即發生環境效益高於污染防治成本的情形。本研究建立下水道促參計畫的優先投資評估指標,選定污水下水道促參計畫8項特性參數,各特性參數之平均值分別為污水處理廠第一期建設成本為35.77仟元/CMD,全期規模下每戶建設成本為107.75仟元,每提昇1%用戶接管普及率之建設費攤提(折現值)為72.21億元,污水處理費率平均為35.95元/噸,完成一萬戶用戶接管所需時間為7.48年,每用戶接管須埋設管線長度為2.90公尺。將8個特性參數的分級積分累加做為優先投資評估指標,本研究定義當評估指標小於24為最佳,介於24~30之間時為較佳,介於31~37之間時為佳,大於37者為不佳。Like numerous other countries around the world, the Taiwanese government has introduced the concept and approach of Public-Private partnership (PPP) for initiating the delivery of public infrastructure projects. Therefore, Since 2001, Taiwan government promulgated “Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects”, which preselected thirteen types of major infrastructures, including wastewater treatment plants, to be funded and operated under Public-Private partnership (PPP) model. Amongst these projects, the Sewer Projects for Private Financial Initiatives (SPFI), one of the major private initiatives recently performed by the Taiwan government, have launched 36 Sewerage system projects and will be announced to attract private sector’s investment based on the PFI mechanism. Financial model is a key issue affecting SPFI projects. This investigation analyzes on how the Taiwan government has devised an appropriate financial model that consider factors such as financial planning, repayment mechanism, structural tariff, concession period, capital structure and rate of equity internal return and so on. Three SPFI projects, Tamsui, Nanzih, and Lodong have been investigated in this paper. Iincorporating household connection as the concessionaire’s responsibility has been a unique characteristic of Taiwan’s SPFI. All three projects are performing well, as evident from an analysis on their construction schedules and quality, household connection contribution, and finance situations. This study compares the cost-benefit analysis of Lodong sewer system construction between traditional government procurement and PFI models. The research results find out that SPFI has a positive net environmental benefit in the start of construction. However, Government has to invest more capital cost in the early stage of construction if in the traditional model. This study develops a method of evaluating cost and efficiency of government projects to identify investment priorities of sewerage PFI projects (SPFI indicator). According to a database of preliminary master plans of thirty-one sewerage Projects, eight assessment parameters was established: Initial cost of wastewater treatment plant (A1), Construction cost per household (A2), Discounted construction cost of 1% household connection (A3), Wastewater treatment tariff(A4), Ratio of O&M tariff with wastewater tariff(B5), Financial capability of local government(B6), Project constructing efficiency(B7) and Pipeline service rate(B8). Finally, each parameter is graded by score; total scores for the eight parameters were used to generate a SPFI indicator. Principles of investment priority assessment are thus established for each sewerage project: SPFI indicators of sewer projects lower than 24, from 25 to 30, from 31 to 37 and higher than 37 were considered excellent, good, fair and poor, respectively.1375318 bytesapplication/pdfen-US促參計畫污水下水道成本效益分析評估指標Public-private Partnership (PPP)SewerCost-benefit analysisAssessment indicator[SDGs]SDG9污水下水道建設促參計畫之成本效益分析與投資優先度評估指標之研究Environmental Cost-Benefit Analysis and Investment Priority Indicator for Sewer Projects in Taiwanthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/256977/1/ntu-99-D91541003-1.pdf