管理學院: 國際企業學研究所指導教授: 趙義隆鄭志賢Cheng, Chih-HsienChih-HsienCheng2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274746近年來,隨著食安風暴的風起雲湧,各種「食」在不安心籠罩社會大眾,加上社會暴力事件、隨機殺人事件等的層出不窮,各行各業專業人士舉辦各種論壇、會議等討論如何解決,企業界方面也悄悄泛起一股漣漪,以社會企業為中心向外擴散。社會企業除了與一般企業一樣,都是需要獲利以長久生存的企業,特別之處,在於前者是為了解決社會上各種問題而產生的企業,後者的創業則沒有考慮任何社會問題。這些社會企業解決的問題層面廣泛,包含食安問題、社會暴力、弱勢就業、性別平權、環境保護等。在這些社會企業中,作者選擇與一般人生活較為貼近的有機通路商「里仁事業股份有限公司」作為研究對象,除了探討食安問題外,也找尋解決環境問題、弱勢就業的契機。 本研究透由參考其他績效評估模型,導入三重底線(社會、環境、經濟)的概念作為研究架構,接著建構績效評估模式(三構面、七大議題、十六項指標),並以兩家有機通路業作為績效評估模式的對照組,在問卷調查後,除了計算績效平均分數及績效高低差異百分比外,也利用T-test檢定、ANOVA變異數分析,從蒐集到的86份問卷裡,分別針對「性別」、「年齡」、「消費背景」進行三家企業的差異化比較。得出的結論包含:男性對聖德科斯的評分大於女性、40-49歲填答者對里仁的評分大於其他年齡層、消費過「里仁及聖德科斯」族群比其他族群給予聖德科斯更高的評分。最後一章從得出的結論中找尋管理上的意涵,並提供一些未來建議。In recent years, with the rising incidents of Food Safety, a variety of eating unsafely has faced our society. In addition, social violence and killings in random also appear more often. All kinds of people has raised a variety of forums or meetings to discuss how to resolve these phenomenon. People in business has gradually advocate the thesis of Social Enterprise. As the name says, Social Enterprise has focus on the social problems surrounding our family and in this society. Besides, it also operates as the traditional business as it indeed needs a lot of resources from financing. The main difference of Social Enterprise and traditional business is that the latter doesn’t found to solve the problem of the society. In these Social Enterprises, the author chose “Leeren Corporation” as the researching subject. The reason is that this Social Enterprise exists around Taiwan and has made a great success since its first opening in 1998. This company has tried its best to solve the social problems such as environment, education, and employment. This research refers other performance evaluation model and introduces the concept of Triple Bottom Line as our researching architecture. In the following steps, we build the Model of Performance Evaluation with using two other businesses as our counterparts. Our researching method is to use online survey, and we collected total 86 results from this online survey. As the survey has done, we calculate the grades of this three business: Leeren, Santacruz, and Sun-organism. Using the T-test and ANOVA analysis are the two methods for the research to analyze the data collected. We analyze by focus on gender, year od age, and the background of consuming organic channels. The results of this research include that male evaluate Santacruz more than female obviously, the age between 40-49 evaluate Leeren more than the other ages, those consuming Leeren and Santacruz evaluate more than other consuming backgrounds. In the last chapter, we suggest some conclusions and the meanings in the management scopes to our targeting business, and we put forward some future suggestions at the same time.5808392 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/9/13論文使用權限: 同意無償授權社會企業有機通路績效評估模式標竿學習善因行銷Social EnterpriseOrganic ChannelPerformance EvaluationBenchmarkingCause Related Marketing[SDGs]SDG16社會企業運用績效評估模式之研究─以里仁事業為例A Study of Social Enterprise Using Performance Evaluation Model: Take “Leeren Corporation” for Examplethesis10.6342/NTU201601215http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274746/1/ntu-105-R01724099-1.pdf