2011-08-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/649801摘要:本整合型計畫評析美國、歐盟、澳洲等國家對有害物質之篩選與管理制度,建立環境中有害物質之風險評估流程及新興污染物質的篩選及管理策略。第一階段期程為兩年,以1,4-doxane 為對象進行有害物質風險評估機制及政策運用模式之建立。本子計畫第一年蒐集美國環保署及歐盟之化學物質管理、篩選及風險評估的機制,並收集國內1,4-doxane 登記使用資料,配合其他子計畫提供之環境流佈資料及暴露評估資料,評估國內1,4-doxane 可能的污染源及污染潛勢。第二年比較及評析國外1,4-dioxane風險評估報告,並透過本團隊環境流佈及暴露評估研究成果,綜合研析我國1,4-doxane危害風險,並結合工程控制建議方法,提出1,4-dioxane 風險評估與治理對策。本子計畫完成後預期可達成下列目標:1. 彙整並比較各國毒化物管理及列管篩選制度,可供我國後續毒化物管理策略修訂之參考。配合各國風險評估方法及執行機制,可與我國現行作法比較,作為建立風險評估制度及未來修訂毒化物篩選機制及管理策略之參考。2. 計畫執行期間蒐集並評析各國1,4-dioxane 風險評估報告,建立國人暴露於1,4-dioxane 之風險評估方法,並進行1,4-dioxane 風險評估。3. 在本子計畫完成1,4-dioxane 之風險評估後,可比較不同1,4-dioxane 風險評估之方法及結果,並提出風險管理策略之建議。4. 兩年計畫完成後,可綜合比較及分析各國1,4-dioxane 風險評估及治理對策,研擬我國1,4-dioxane 管制策略;並進一步探討我國對環境中新興污染物之評估及管理架構,選定適合之新興污染物進行後續研究。<br> Abstract: This study assesses and compares the toxic substances screening and managementsystems in United States, European Union and Australia to establish the methodology of thehealth risk assessment for various toxic chemicals in the environment. A screening andmanagement system will be proposed based on the results obtained from this study. In thistwo-year project, 1,4-dioxane is chosen as the target compound for health risk assessment.In the first year of study, we will collect the information concerning the toxic chemicalsmanagement, screening of potential toxic substances, and methodology of risk assessment fortoxic chemicals in US and European Union. In addition, the inventory of 1,4-dioxane usesin Taiwan will be collected and analyzed, together with the environmental occurrences andexposure assessment data, the sources of pollution and the potential contamination sites willbe investigated. Based on the information collected from the first year study, the health riskassessment reports for 1,4-dioxane conducted in US, EU and other countries will be comparedand the 1,4-dioxane health risk assessment for human exposures in Taiwan will be conducted.The results of the 1,4-dioxane health risk assessment will be used for establishment ofaccepted level of 1,4-dioxane in various environmental mediums.The purposes of this study include:1. To compile and compare the toxic substances screening and management systems in theother countries and provide information for the revision of the toxic substancesmanagement strategies in Taiwan. Based on the comparisons of the methodologies andapplications of health risk assessment for toxic chemical managements in the othercountries, Taiwan can establish its risk assessment system and provide information forrevision on screening and management of toxic chemicals.2. This project collects and compares the risk assessment reports for 1,4-dioxane fromdifferent studies to build up the methodology for health risk assessment of 1,4-dioxane inTaiwan. It will be conducted in the second year of the project to assess the potentialimpacts from exposures to 1,4-dioxane.3. After the execution of the risk assessment of 1,4-dioxane in Taiwan, the results andmethodologies from different assessments will be compared and a risk managementstrategy will be proposed based on the results of risk assessment.4. After the two-year study, a control strategy for 1,4-dioxane in Taiwan will be proposed.In addition, the assessment and management strategy for emerging contaminants will beevaluated. Several emerging contaminants will be selected for further evaluations.Risk Assessment and Management Strategy of Emerging Contaminant 1,4-Dioxane