社會科學院: 政治學研究所指導教授: 包宗和洪尉淳Hong, Wei-ChunWei-ChunHong2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273744影響一國國際關係的國內政治因素之一即為立法機構對於外交議案、條約案與相關政策的審議與監督。本論文以我國陳水扁政府時期的立法院為研究對象,透過回顧此時期立法院所審議之各項外交議案,探討扁政府時期其對外交議案與政策的監督權力、提出評估立法院影響外交議案審議與我國外交政策的指標,並探討扁政府時期「分立政府狀態」是否影響我國外交議案與政策的推行。 從我國法律規定與立法院實際運作情形而言,扁政府時期立法院對於我國外交議案與政策所掌握的監督權力包括:少部分設定外交政策方向的「廣義議程設定權」;較為完整、影響議案審議程序的「狹義議程設定權」;對條約的修改、批准與否決權;針對重大政策提起公民投票之權;召開公聽會;以及配合議案審議過程所採取之次級權力,包括提出質詢以及進行黨團協商等。在評估立法院運用前述權力影響外交議案審議與相關政策時,本文認為可透過「既有行政院提案與最終立法院同意通過時內容的差異程度」、「議案通過與否」與「審議時程的長短」等三項指標加以觀察,其中又以「既有提案與獲得通過之議案內容差異」最為重要。透過這些指標觀察扁政府時期立法院對外交議案的提出與審議結果,本文指出在立法院提出與審議之外交議案中,其對於大部分外交議案並未提出異議,或既有提案與最後通過之內容並無太大歧異,僅少數議案被修改、保留、或提出附帶決議。就議案通過情形而言,僅有兩項議案最終未獲審議通過,其餘皆順利通過,或者經由大幅修改後才得以通過。就審議時程而言,除了對美三項軍購案之外,其餘外交議案的審議時間都不長。依據這些發現,本文認為扁政府時期立法院在我國外交議案的審議情形,較偏向「分立政府」理論中「修正派」學者觀點,即扁政府時期的分立政府狀態不必然造成我國外交議案上審議的停滯。One of the domestic-political factors that shape one country’s international relations would be the supervisory of legislature, using its legislative powers on foreign policies to deliberate the bills of foreign affairs and treaties. The main purpose of this thesis is to define these legislative powers of Legislative Yuan during Chen Shui-Bian Government, to understand how Legislative Yuan used these powers to deliberate the bills of foreign affairs and treaties, and to establish the indicators of measuring the effects that Legislative Yuan has on those bills and treaties, even the foreign policies. This thesis also tries to realize the impacts of “Divided Government” on the deliberation of the bills and treaties. According to the law and the operation of Legislative Yuan, during Chen Shui-Bian Government the legislative powers on the foreign policies that Legislative Yuan had included: partial “broad agenda-setting power” to set the foreign policies; full “narrow agenda-setting power” to set the legislative process of the bills; the amendment, ratification and veto power on the treaties; making proposals of referendums; and related tactics it could use in the legislative process, such as interpellation and consults among different parties. Also, there are three indicators that could be used to measure the effects that Legislative Yuan has on the bills of foreign affairs and treaties, including “the differences between the bills submitted by the executives branch and passed by the legislature,” which is the most important factor to realize the influence of Legislative Yuan; “whether the bills were passed or not,” and “the length of time for the bill to be passed.” Through these indicators, this article found that in this period only few treaties had been amended or made reservation; only two bills were not passed by Legislative Yuan; and almost all bills deliberated by Legislative Yuan didn’t take too much time to pass except the “Arms Procurement Bill.” According to these results, this thesis suggest that the condition of divided government may not necessarily lead to stalemate on bills of foreign affairs, treaties and even foreign policies during Chen Shui-Bian Government, which is more close to the revisionist view of divided Government theories.2622365 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/25論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)國內政治外交政策立法院立法監督權分立政府Domestic PoliticsForeign PolicyLegislative YuanLegislative PowerDivided Government陳水扁政府時期立法院對我國外交政策監督權之行使─兼論分立政府之影響Legislative Powers of Legislative Yuan on Foreign Policy During Chen Shui-bian Government: the Effects of Divided Governmentthesis10.6342/NTU201603231http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273744/1/ntu-105-R99322036-1.pdf