2016-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/701822摘要:華語四字結構在漢語詞彙占有重要地位,亦是漢語的語言特色,帶深厚的文化性。 本計畫規劃以華語四字結 構成語為研究對象,以日常會話互動的口語語料為本, 試圖多面向探討互動交際中的華語四字結構的使用情形和言談互動功能。本計劃為能深入且細緻分析言談互動功能, 將借助會話分析的概念,特別著重在華語四字結構 出現的話論設計(話論中四字結構和其他成分的搭 配)和四字結構出現的序列結構(四字結構的上下句情境)。本計劃的研究結果有助於開拓我們對於 四字結構本質的再認識,也 助於透徹深入四字結構在實際互動中的實踐。 接續前人的研究,本計劃的研究問題為: (1) 在什麼樣的會話序列脈絡之下,華語四字詞成為話輪設計的一部分? (2) 英語研究中歸結出會話中的成語使用基本具有評價總結的功能,華語四字結構 的選用是否具有類似的互動慣例?又或達成了其他哪些不同層次的言談行動? (3) 互動參與者如何透過四字結構的運用,動態協調參與者雙方的立場?也就是四 字結構的使用是否幫助尋求認同?是否幫助轉換話題?是否幫助委婉表達? <br> Abstract: Based on videotaped ordinary conversation, this project aims to provide an analysis on Mandarin four-character idioms in daily talk-in-interaction. Sequences in which the four-character idiom is embedded are examined in terms of its turn design and sequential organization. This project aims to investigate the interrelations between sequential organization and language use, and how turns and social practices are collaboratively constructed and achieved. This project attempts to answer the following questions: (1)In what sequential environment, the use of four-character idioms is a feature of turn design? How the use of the idiom is employed to achieve the actions that the turn is designed to do? (2) What actions, through turns in which four-character idiom is embedded, are accomplished in sequences in addition to making evaluations as the prior study in English has suggested? What interactional practices does the turn with the idiom accomplish? (3) How do participants through such a turn negotiate stances?華語四字結構會話分析話論設計會話序列結構Chinese four-character idiomsconversation analysisturn designsequential organization四字結構的互動意義:從會話分析看華語四字結構的序列脈絡和話輪設計