臺灣大學: 社會工作學研究所鄭麗珍張玉Chang, YuYuChang2013-03-212018-06-282013-03-212018-06-282010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/248083本研究主要探討2008年社會救助法修法內容中,家庭應計算人口規定改變對不同家戶組成低收入戶資格的影響。本研究以臺北市為研究對象,透過次級資料分析法及深度訪談法,以了解此次社會救助法修法中的一親等直系血親規定以及第5條第2項第8款得依訪視評估排除未盡扶養義務親屬規定,對家戶造成的影響。 研究結果顯示,適用新法中一親等直系血親規定家戶共有867戶,註銷者為375戶,註銷比例較一般家戶高,且因計算人口範圍限縮,因此該類家戶組成型態多由「主幹家庭」轉變為「核心家庭」,排除的家戶人口多為依賴人口。 在深度訪談研究部分,研究結果發現社會救助法第5條第2項第8款執行不僅注重事實認定,還有增加人口計算彈性、可主動協助爭取福利、作為資源連結的解套、有助於達成處遇目標、進行福利資源的把關以及作為過渡時期銜接的用處。而在執行困境上,則有適用標準的認定以及執行程序上的困難。關於影響評估因素部份,本研究運用權變倫理決策模式分析,發現在個人因素中,個人工作經驗、個人生活經驗及價值觀皆會影響評估結果,在參考團體中,同儕、單位主管及高層皆會對評估結果造成干預,另在情境評估中,社工人員主要遵循臺北市政府社會局所訂原則來進行,但也易在了解實際生活後產生依個案判斷的情形。 由2008年社會救助法修法內容中可看出,仍無法涵蓋家戶實際扶養照顧以及生活情形,評估排除也面臨執行上的困境,因此仍應針對實際低收入戶家戶生活情形進行了解,以對照現行法規缺漏處,並依家戶福利需求設計相關配套措施,避免有實質需求之家庭仍無法獲得協助。The main purpose of this research is to verify the influence of the revision of “Public Assistance Act” in 2008 on the eligibility of various low-income family household types.This research takes Taipei citizens as the object. Using both secondary data analysis and depth interviews, we evaluated the influence on household composition resulting from some new regulations to first-degree relatives and the exclusion of the person who fails to support the applicant, described in Article 5, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 8. The finding shows, due to the new law, 867 households turned into the low-income families and 375 households were revoked. Because the lineal blood relatives listed were confined to first-degree, the major family style of the low-income becomes from nuclear family to stem family, and the dependent ones of family members are the major ones being excluded. The finding also shows administrative discretion in the article 5 of the Act not only offers the guideline of the procedure but also has many advantages. By the discretion in the article 5 of the Act, the authorities could strive for the welfare of the disadvantaged actively, gain the flexibility of calculating people in the household, attain the treatment goal, check on the welfare resources delivery, and find a solution in transitional stage to link other welfare resources. However, the difficulties of operating the procedure and uncertainties for applying criteria are disadvantages. According to Contingency Ethical Decision-Making , of personal factors, personal career experiences, life experiences, and values would have impact on the decision-making. Of the referent group, colleagues, supervisors, and higher superintendents make different. And of situational evaluation, social workers follow the principals drew by the department of welfare of Taipei city government, but also make the judgment after evaluating the cases. After the reform of Public Assistance Act of 2008, there is still long way to go. Operational difficulties of evaluating the applicant need to be considered. This study suggests that, in order to support the need, social legislation be consistent with the actual living conditions and supplementary measures be designed.931300 bytesapplication/pdfen-US社會救助法低收入戶家庭家戶組成型態親屬扶養義務行政裁量社會?法Public Assistance Actlow-income familyhousehold typesrelative’s responsibilitiesadministrative discretionsocial legislation社會救助法變革對臺北市不同家戶組成的低收入戶資格之影響—以2008年修法為例The Influence of the Revision of “Public Assistance Act” in 2008 on the Eligibility of Various Low-Income Family Household Types at Taipei Citythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/248083/1/ntu-99-R93330008-1.pdf