臺灣大學: 政治學研究所江瑞祥游子熠Yu, Tzu-YiTzu-YiYu2013-03-292018-06-282013-03-292018-06-282011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/254276台灣擁有豐富的溫泉資源,而地方政府為了振興觀光產業與地方經濟,溫泉產業與其資源運用乃成為重要議題;然而在產業運作過程裡,無法單靠地方政府就能使之發展順利,尚需其餘經由業者、公民等等多元行動者的參與才能完善整體產業。於此,地方溫泉產業範疇內多元參與者之間的溝通協調機制、以及其資源動員能力甚為關鍵,而產業發展的走向也應盡可能回應各界之冀求。 本文回顧地方治理與Rhodes的政策網絡理論等概念,以及國內烏來溫泉區與泰安溫泉區的治理經驗作為輔助,透過前述理論與個案的視角切入,以檢視宜蘭縣礁溪鄉溫泉產業政策網絡的治理現況與成效,並經由深度訪談公、私、非營利部門三方相關之人士,從而了解行動者間的互動情形,以及產業中的協商整合機制之優劣,並據以建構礁溪溫泉產業整體治理模式。 本研究之主要結論如下: (一)礁溪鄉溫泉產業目前整合程度甚高,政府業者間的合作緊密,惟仍過 於強調商業化導向,欠缺多元價值的展現,也較為忽視非營利組織的觀點。 (二)未來礁溪溫泉產業應持續發展單一議題協商之平台或論壇,以利於各界行動者定期公開參與此項產業之發展。 (三)礁溪溫泉產業治理結構呈現多元層次,現今雖由公部門為主導力量,但公民社群的治理結構將是未來左右地方發展的關鍵。There are plentiful hot springs everywhere in Taiwan, and local government will fully use the resource to improve the local economic development and tourism development; hence, the development of hot spring industry becomes the important issue to the local governments in Taiwan. However, it is impossible to complete hot spring industry which only depends upon local government. It still takes multiple actors, such as citizens, entrepreneurs, to take part in the policy process, so that the complementation the hot spring industry would be made. For that reason, the coordination mechanism would be necessary. The mobilization capacity of resources form actors is also crucial. The planning of hot spring industry also should conform to public’s expectation. This article reviews the local governance theory and Rhodes’s policy network theory; furthermore, taking two examples in Taiwan, which are Wu-Lai hot spring area and Tai-an hot spring area, to examine the hot spring industry’s policy network in Jiaosi, in the meanwhile by interviewing the related multiple actors in Jiaosi, trying to understand the mobilization capacity and interactions between these actors. Finally, according to the results of interviews, this article establishes the model of governance of hot spring industry in Jiaosi. In the end, this thesis reaches some conclusions: 1.There is highly integration of multiple actors of hot spring industry’s policy network in Jiaosi. However, only entrepreneurs and the local government cooperate closely, the nonprofit actors are excluded. Also, most of the time the development in Jiaosi hot spring area is more concerning with the commerce, not sustainable development. 2. The unified public forum or mechanism about the development of hot spring industry in Jiaosi should be established, so that multiple actors could easily follow or take care of the issue through it. 3. The governance structure of hot spring industry in Jiaosi is multi-level governance structures, even nowadays the local government still dominates the whole system, but the community and citizens will be the key roles in the future.1949349 bytesapplication/pdfen-US地方治理政策網絡溫泉產業礁溪local governancepolicy networkhot spring industryJiaosi[SDGs]SDG8[SDGs]SDG11地方治理與溫泉產業政策網絡--以礁溪鄉溫泉產業政策網絡為例Local Governance and Hot Spring Industry Policy Network – A Case Study of Hot Spring Industry Policy in Jiaosithesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/254276/1/ntu-100-R97322046-1.pdf