元智大學社會暨政策科學學系; 國立台北大學社會工作學系; 國立台灣大學國家發展研究所Department of Social and Policy Sciences, Yuan Ze University; Department of Social Work, National Taipei University; Graduate Institute of National Development, NTU劉宜君林昭吟辛炳隆2017-09-072018-06-282017-09-072018-06-282008-12http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/281555自1996年以來,我國失業率持續上漲,2002年達到5.2%,政府除透過擴大內需等經濟方案刺激景氣外,亦採取一系列促進就業措施,如「永續就業工程計畫」等。多數方案曾委託專家學者進行成效評估,惟因為評估時點、方法與指標不盡一致,較難進行整體比較,有必要發展一套方案成效評估機制,並進一步瞭解政府資源是否重覆投入與是否合理配置。本研究運用德菲法透過專家對於近年促進就業政策與措施的執行機制、評估機制之建構等建立具有共識性的意見。研究發現有關促進就業措施成效評估指標的重要性,依序為再就業率、方案創造的預期效果、方案結束後的再就業尋職期間;影響因素依序為政策內容與執行面、參與者屬性面、方案類型面與決策環境面。多數參與德菲法的專家亦認為不同方案應選擇不同的評估方法或指標。本研究建議應由失業者特性或角度,考慮適合的就業方案。同時為避免方案之間的資源排擠效應,例如對於方案類型與適用對象相似之措施的給付標準應力求一致,以免適用對象相互比較。並建議促進就業方案之間的資源整合效果,具有關聯性之不同方案,可考慮相互連結,而非各自獨立運作,例如創業諮詢服務與創業貸款提供。Since 1996, the unemployment rate continues to rise in Taiwan. The government made a great effort to expand domestic demand in order to stimulate the economy. It also took a series of measures to promote employment opportunity, such as the "sustainable employment project." The research has employed documentary analysis and Delphi method to evaluate the impacts of those employment promotion programs. According to the results of Delphi method, "reemployment rate" was regarded as the most important indicator for evaluating the effect of employment promotion programs. The other two indicators were "the fulfillment of program objectives" and "the duration of reemployment". Several suggestions are made. First, the characters of the unemployed should be carefully analyzed in order to match them with appropriate employment programs. Second, different measures are actually interrelated with each other. Those measures should be integrated for providing a package employment service. Third, those with better employability are suitable for job training schemes or loans; the others are suitable for public work or wage subsidy sachems. Finally, when the unemployment rate is low and stable, job training schemes and loan could be implemented; when the unemployment rate is high, public work and wage subsidy could be initiated.26345973 bytesapplication/pdf促進就業措施評估研究德菲法再就業率employment promotionevaluation researchDelphi methodreemployment rate[SDGs]SDG8我國促進就業措施評估機制之探討-政策德菲法之應用The Research of Evaluation Mechanism of Taiwan Employment Promotion Programs-the Application of the Policy Delphijournal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/281555/1/0018_200812_2.pdf