國立臺灣大學哲學系兼任教授Adjunct Professor, Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University.陳榮華2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292016-101015-8995http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/281867本文首先指出,無論羅逖(Rorty)的脈絡重整(recontextualization)和 高達美(Gadamer)的視域融合(Horizontverschmelzung, fusion of horizons) 都是思考的過程。雖然它們是兩種不同的理論,但都是獲得知識的方式。然 後本文要證成,脈絡重整無法得到實有的知識,也無法完成羅逖的啟發哲學 (edifying philosophy)的理想,這是說,脈絡重整無法突破已有的哲學典範, 創立新的哲學典範,以提出創新的哲學知識。但高達美的視域融合卻可以避 免脈絡重整的困難,讓人能理解實有,也可突破而得到創新的知識。因此相 對而言,高達美的視域融合是較合理的思考理論。 關鍵詞:羅逖、高達美、脈絡重整、視域融合、知識This essay first shows that the concept of recontextualization in Rorty and the fusion of horizons in Gadamer are ways of thinking through which knowledge is obtained. Then, I argue that recontexuationalization, as a way of thinking in Rorty, fails both in the achievement of knowledge about reality and in the establishment of Rorty’s philosophical ideal: edifying philosophy. The argument implies that the concept of recontextualization is not able to create a new paradigm by breaking the imprisonment of our present paradigm. Nevertheless, as Gadamer’s fusion of horizon avoids the theoretical difficulties existing in Rorty’s concept of recontextualization, it leads us to obtain the knowledge about reality by being able to create new knowledge. Therefore, in comparison with Rorty’s recontextualization, Gadamer’s fusion of horizons is a more satisfactory theory of thinking.1382891 bytesapplication/pdf羅逖、高達美、脈絡重整、視域融合、知識Rorty, Gadamer, recontextualization, fusion of horizons, knowledge羅逖的脈絡重整與高達美的視域融合Rorty’s Recontextualization and Gadamer’s Fusion of Horizonsjournal article10.6276/NTUPR.2016.10.(52).02http://dx.doi.org/10.6276/NTUPR.2016.10.(52).02http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/281867/1/0052_201610_2.pdf