工學院: 應用力學研究所指導教授: 張正憲王首勳Wang, Shou-HsunShou-HsunWang2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276960醫療科技日新月異,然而在微流體感測晶片仍須面臨到檢測時間過長、樣本數量低等問題,為了使其跳脫受擴散作用的限制,本研究利用電熱效應驅動微流體,使其增加待測生物分子與感測分子在感測面上的接觸機會,進而促成鍵結量的增加。並將電熱效應之微電極與石英晶體微天平做整合,生物分子藉由電熱效應驅動便可增加與接觸面的鍵結機率。在施加交流電壓10Vpp、10MHz 作用下,電熱效應形成渦旋的最高流速383μm/s。 本論文將進行施加電熱效應與否以及在不同濃度下的實驗檢測,以應證電熱效應在人體免疫球蛋白(Human IgG1)用於石英晶體微天平上之檢測的正確性。 本研究使用石英晶體微天平來進行人體免疫球蛋白及其相對應之抗體(Anti-Human IgG1)之質量負載檢測及分析。實驗的進行首先將裸金之石英晶體晶片修飾,使其具有能與人體免疫球蛋白鍵結之能力。接續將人體免疫球蛋白抗體(Anti-Human IgG1)被覆至待測面後,待其達到穩態並量測其共振頻率,再將人體免疫球蛋白抗原(Human IgG1)經由微流道導入腔體並開啟電熱效應,造成生物分子附加質量負載,在微流體完全流經腔體後,待晶片風乾(Air-dry),在其氣態下量測共振頻的偏移量。 實驗結果分別在不同濃度,其實驗組與對照組的比較之下均能發現在開啟電熱力的情況均能有良好的鍵結提升。而在另外的螢光標定檢驗,更有良好的佐證。證明電熱效應確實可以增強生物分子的鍵結量,使微流體的生醫感測晶片能進行較快速且有效率的檢測。In order to get rid of the limitation of slow transportation of pure diffusion, electrothermal effect (ETE) is introduced in this work to enhance the performance of the QCM sensor. An advanced quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) is built with a reaction chamber modified by assemblying our designed with multi-microelectrodes to produce electrothermal vortices flow which increase the opportunity of the specific binding of the immobilized ligand and the target molecules carried in the fluid flow. By applying 10 Vpp and 10 MHz to the microelectrode pairs to generate electrothermal flow in this experimental study, this thesis compares the cases with ETE applied and without ETE to show that the human IgG1 can be more efficiently detected in this system with ETE effect. In this work, a specific binding of Human IgG1 in the fluid flow and the immobilized Anti-Human IgG1 is processed. The chip will first be modified to make it be capable of binding the certain ligands. After coating Anti-Human IgG1 to the reaction surface, wait until it is stable and measure the resonant frequency. Inject the Human IgG1 fluid and apply ETE to raise the specific binding and increase the mass load. Finally, measure the steady-state resonant frequency in gas phase and calculate the frequency shift. In the cases of different concentrations, there are big improvements noticed by observing the changes of shift of resonant frequency. Besides, it can also get further proved through Fluorescent dye marker. Consequently, ETE is functional to increase the mass-binding and improved the detection of efficiency.3779679 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/24論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)電熱效應石英晶體微天平人體免疫球蛋白electrothermal effectquartz crystal microbalanceHuman IgG1電熱效應式石英晶體微天平應用於免疫球蛋白質分子之檢測Detection of Immunoglobulin Molecules Using a Electrothermal-Effect Enhanced Quartz Crystal Microbalancethesis10.6342/NTU201602166http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/276960/1/ntu-105-R03543039-1.pdf