工學院: 材料科學與工程學研究所指導教授: 林唯芳田國佑Tian, Kuo-YuKuo-YuTian2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273114鈣鈦礦太陽能電池由於其優異的光電轉換效率在近幾年受到各方的關注和研究;除此之外由於其能夠以濕式製程製備元件,非常適合低成本、卷對卷方式進行量產,因此被認為具有相當大的潛力商業化。在本研究中我們著手於未來量產上會遭遇的其中兩項挑戰:一是元件的製備環境,我們無法將一間廠房維持如手套箱般的超低濕超低氧,所以開發在相對濕度較高的環境中製作元件的技術是必須的;二是如何製備高效率的模組元件。 首先我們嘗試在正常氧值、溼度控制在2~3%的乾燥箱中製備元件。透過增加二甲基亞碸與碘化鉛在鈣鈦礦前驅溶液中的莫耳數比(1:1到3:1),我們能夠獲得更好的薄膜品質使短路電流由14.3mA/cm2上升至16.4 mA/cm2。接著我們以NiOx取代導電高分子PEDOT:PSS作為電洞傳導層,將轉換效率進一步由11.3%提升至12.9%,並且與在手套箱中製備之元件效率相同。 而在模組製作上,我們在一般環境下以波長為532nm的奈秒脈衝雷射在原件上製備模組的P1、P2和P3線。透過調整脈衝雷射的入射方向、脈衝能量以及脈衝重疊率,成功以單一波長雷射完成所有線的切割。我們嘗試在面積為4cm2與25cm2的基材上製作分別串聯兩顆、八顆的模組,在考慮有效面積下光電轉換效率分別達到12.82%與11.76% ,是目前以全雷射切割製作模組的最高值。 最後,我們成功以鈣鈦礦模組驅動信標與溫濕感應器,證實其應用於日常生活中的可能性。Recently, perovskite solar cell draws lots of attention due to its outstanding performance. Besides, because it can be manufactured by solution processing, it is very suitable for mass production in a low cost, roll-to-roll way. Thus, perovskite solar cell is believed to have potential to be commercialized in near future. In this research, we focus on two challenges that will meet when the device is in mass production. First, we cannot make the atmosphere of factory the same as in the glove box. Therefore, it is essential to develop an ambient process of cell fabrication. The second challenge is how to make a high efficiency solar module. For the first challenge, we build a dry air box with relative humidity controlled at 2~3%. The quality of film becomes better when the molar ratio of dimethyl sulfoxide to perovskite precursor is increased from 1:1 to 3:1. The short circuit current density of devices is increased from 14.3mA/cm2 to16.4 mA/cm2. Next, we substitute NiOx for PEDOT:PSS as hole transport layer and further raise the performance of devices from 11.3% to 12.9% and is the same as the performance of cells fabricated in glove box. For the second challenge, we use nanosecond pulse laser with a wavelength of 532nm to scribe P1, P2 and P3 line on the devices to make solar module. By changing the inject direction, pulse energy and pulse overlap ratio, we successfully scribe P1, P2 and P3 line using the single wavelength laser. And then, we fabricate perovskite solar module with 2 and 8 sub-cells on 4cm2 and 25cm2 substrate, respectively. The performance of each module is 12.82% and 11.76% calculated under active area. Both are the highest performance reported for perovskite module scribed with a single wavelength pulse laser based on our knowledge. Finally, we successfully use our perovskite solar module to drive beacon and senor which demonstrate the usage of perovskite solar cell.3183850 bytesapplication/pdf論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)鈣鈦礦太陽能電池雷射切割模組perovskitesolar celllaser scribemodule高效率鈣鈦礦電池模組與原型產品之開發Development of High Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cell Module and Related Prototype Productthesis10.6342/NTU201603637http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273114/1/ntu-105-R03527031-1.pdf