臺灣大學: 企業管理碩士專班曹承礎,; 龔天益艾颯藍Guillermo Edghill, ManuelManuelGuillermo Edghill2013-04-082018-06-292013-04-082018-06-292010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/256626Since China’s admittance to the World Trade Organization (WTO), the door to exports has become a lot wider, allowing for a vast quantity of trade to fuel the sprouting of an even larger quantity of private businesses which supply said trade. So, how amicable is the Chinese economic platform to privately owned businesses? Is China’s economy still dominated by large, state-run enterprises, or is there some hope for private, small and medium sized enterprises (SME) to succeed in this market? How sustainable are SMEs in the Chinese economy? All the research, theory, and analysis presented within this study will revolve around, but will not be limited to, answering these proposed questions. A comprehensive political analysis of both the domestic and global situation regarding SMEs was conducted, as well as a holistic macro and micro economic examination of China. This paper drew on extensive literature reviews to compile a list of SWOT factors for SMEs in China. A SWOT Analysis and a Quadrant SWOT Analysis will be conducted in order to analyze the strategic sustainability of SMEs in this region and to support the views of the author. The conclusions from the report suggest for a central government education program aimed at SMEs to promote the benefits of FTAs; for a stronger, localized regulatory system- rather than a centralized, trickled down effect, system - to govern business laws and financial regulations; and for a much stricter non-physical infrastructure regulatory body. These are needed in order for SMEs to develop the capabilities for a sustainable and prosperous future in China.1318191 bytesapplication/pdfen-US中國中小企業私營持續性研究專題ChinaSMESmall and Medium EnterpriseFinancial SustainabiltyPrivate SectorMarket Anaylis.[SDGs]SDG8[SDGs]SDG9中國大陸私營企業分析之 中小企業在中國大陸經濟體系中的持續性研究專題An Analysis of China’s Private Sector: a Study of the Sustainability of SMEs in the Chinese Economythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/256626/1/ntu-99-R97749030-1.pdf