管理學院: 財務金融組指導教授: 李存修許梨芳Hsu, Li-FangLi-FangHsu2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274129政府推動都市更新已有多年,且近年將都市更新事業列為主要土地政策,但民間申請自辦更新者仍為少數。究其原因,在於土地所有權人與政府、建商、住戶、甚至銀行之間存在的高度的資訊不對稱,亦即交易成本與代理人問題。本研究期望透過文獻分析、個案研究、理論分析等方法,以代理理論為基礎,以新北市永和區自辦都市更新案為例,探討都更過程中所有權人與更新會、其他參與業者之關係,釐清自辦更新相關資訊、代理問題,與自辦更新運作相關困境,進而提出相關因應建議。 在實務上,都市更新土地開發方式,主要以權利變換及協議合建二種方式辦理。本研究以權利變換作為研究範圍,基於財務分析計算利害關係人之利益分配。成本效益分析顯示具成本優勢的方案依序應為自建、委建、合建。然而,考慮到各方利害關係人需要具有信任機制以及誘因機制,因此透過專業的代理實施者委建模式使得都更工作能夠快速完成。本研究亦針對利害關係人角色進行分析與建議。The government has carried out the urban renewal policy for several years, and it regards the urban renewal group as main land policy. However, there are fewer applications from private group to organize the urban renewal. The reason comes from the information asymmetry among stakeholders, such as land owners, the government, contractor, resident householders, even banks, which addressed as transaction cost or agent problems. Thus, this study is based on Agency Theory and through reference analysis, case study and theory analysis and take a case of Yung-Ho Distance in New Taipei City for example, to discuss the relationship among the land owners, renewal group and other participating stakeholders to define clearly the information and agency problems of the urban renewal group. This study also provides some suggestions to be the reference resources of the stricken households in the future. In practice, most urban renewal projects are mainly implemented by right transfer or joint construction by agreement. This study focused on the right transfer to analyze the benefits distributed among stakeholders based on financial evaluation. The cost-benefit analysis shows that self-renewal is the best way of implementation in terms of cost advantages, followed by contract construction and joint venture construction. After considering the trustworthiness and incentive mechanism among land owners, residents, and contractors; we find that with the help of a professional contractor as an agent, urban renewals are more likely to be implemented rapidly and successfully. This study also provides the analysis of stakeholders’ role, and comes up with some suggestions to urban renewals.2637631 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2020/7/23論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)都市更新交易成本代理理論權利變換成本分析urban renewaltransaction costagency theoryright transfercost analysis民間推動都市更新所面臨問題與研究—以新北市永和區個案為例The Problems Encountered by Private Urban Renewal: The Case of Yung-Ho District, New Taipei Citythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274129/1/ntu-104-P01745021-1.pdf