電機資訊學院: 電機工程學研究所指導教授: 許源浴簡于翔Jian, Yu-SiangYu-SiangJian2017-03-062018-07-062017-03-062018-07-062016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276079本論文主要目的在於研究與電力系統併聯之雙饋式感應發電機之轉子側電流調節器之設計。在過去的研究中,將雙饋式感應發電機轉子側電流調節器模型中的定子磁通視為常數;然後將定子磁通定在直軸來進行推導。但實際系統在發生小擾動或故障情況時,磁通將產生變化,如此定子磁通將不再能視為常數,因此本文基於定子磁通之變化重新推導轉子側電調節器之模型。並且探討當風機遇到風速變動及電壓降等干擾發生時,轉子側補償量及轉子側調節器對發電機響應之影響。 本論文以MATLAB/Simulink 軟體進行模擬,建立併網之雙饋式感應發電機模型,模擬結果顯示,和將定子磁通視為常數所推導之傳統模型相比,使用本文推導所得之前饋補償量及比例積分調節器,不論當風機遭受到風速變動或電壓降,都將能有效的控制轉子電流,並且獲得較好的發電機動態響應。Design of rotor side current regulator of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) connected to a power system is investigated in this thesis. In conventional design of the decoupled direct-axis and quadrature-axis current regulators for the rotor side converter of a DFIG, the derivative of the stator flux was usually neglected. In this thesis, a new feedforward compensator and a new proportional-integral (PI) regulator are derived by taking the derivative of the stator flux into account. By using the new rotor-side feedforward compensator and the new PI regulator, the dynamic responses of the generator subject to wind speed change and different voltage dips are studied. The MATLAB/Simulink simulation software is used to simulate the dynamic performance of the grid-connected DFIG. The control parameters of the rotor-side PI regulator were designed by using pole-zero cancellation. The simulation results indicate that the proposed compensator and PI regulator offer better dynamic responses than the conventional current regulator neglecting stator flux transient when the DFIG is subjected to wind speed change and different voltage dips.3817777 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2018/8/24論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)風?發電雙饋式感應發電機電?調節器極?點消去法最大功?追蹤故障穿越wind power generationdoubly-fed induction generatorrotor-side current regulatorpole-zero cancellationmaximum power trackingfault ride-through雙饋式感應風力發電機轉子側電流調節器參數之設計Design of Rotor Side Current Regulator for a Doubly-Fed Induction Generatorthesis10.6342/NTU201601916http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/276079/1/ntu-105-R03921026-1.pdf