林俊全2006-08-232018-06-282006-08-232018-06-281999http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/29630本研究持續在哈盆溪集水區中的一號與二號量水堰進行觀測。收集泥沙輸送與降雨資料。觀測結果顯示降雨會影響河川輸送的物質的特性。基流所輸送的物質以溶解質為主,而推移質與懸移質幾乎為零。但是在降雨時、尤其是在暴雨的情況下,河川水位上升,流速隨之上升,搬運能力因而大量增加,所搬運的物質則以懸移質與推移質為主,溶解質大量下降。這種特性顯示出河川的溶解質搬運特性受降雨稀釋的影響。 在河道調查研究方面,哈盆西溪的河段方向分佈頻率經過統計後有幾個明顯的峰值出現,其中兩個峰值與岩層的走向和傾斜符,分別形成縱谷與橫谷,約佔30%左右,說明地質條件對水系發育的影響。This research area is at the weir NO.1 and 2 of Fu-san long term ecological site. The sediment transportation is divided to three main parts, dissolved load, suspended load and bed load. The results show that rainfall will affect the nature of river transportation. Base flow transports much of the dissolved load. But when it rains, the river water level goes up and stream flow accelerated, which makes the ability of river transportation. At that time, river moves much of the suspended load and bed load, and the dissolved load concentration goes down. This shows that the 1 rainfall controls the nature of the river transportation. Drainage area of weir NO1 is also being analyzed. There are two peaks, which shows the orientation of channel sections. The coincidence of the river channel with geological strike, dip of bedding and joints. This coincidence shows that geology controls the spatial arrangement of fluvial network.application/pdf611182 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系暨研究所暴雨溶解質推移質懸移質StormDissolved loadBed loadSuspended load全球變遷:福山森林生態系之長期研究─哈盆溪集水區河川輸沙觀測之研究reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/29630/1/882621B002018A10.pdf