法律學院: 科際整合法律學研究所指導教授: 王能君陳姵諠Chen, Pei-HsuanPei-HsuanChen2017-03-032018-07-102017-03-032018-07-102016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273863新工會法於民國100年5月1日施行後,開放教師得依法組織及加入工會。而教師組織工會主要目的之一,乃是行使協商權,與雇主進行團體協商、簽訂團體協約。 惟新工會法施行迄今已5年多,我國教師工會成功簽訂團體協約案例寥寥可數,且觀察我國不當勞動行為裁決委員會受理案件且作成裁決決定者,其中有關教師工會部分,即占總裁決決定比例約11.5%,且多數為團體協商爭議,顯示我國教師工會在進行團體協商上仍有許多待解決爭議。因此,本文以研究我國教師團體協商之過程及分析團體協商事項為目的,試圖解決我國教師團體協商之問題,希冀對於未來教師團體協商之發展有所助益。 在此目標下,本文第二章首先探討教師勞動基本權之演進、教師工會組織發展及探討團體協約法下公立學校教師之雇主,為後續討論建構起基本概念。第三章中,本文嘗試將團體協商分為三個階段,分別為「協商準備階段」、「協商進行階段」、「協商結果階段」,針對各階段較為爭議之議題進行探討與分析。並就教師工會團體協商之範圍與劃分標準進行討論,以作為第四章教師團體協商事項分析之基礎。在第四章中,本文嘗試蒐集並分析日前教師工會團體協商較為關心之事項內容,嘗試就各團體協商事項判斷何等雇主負有協商義務。最後,本於前幾章之探討與分析,第五章作出結論與建議,期能提供未來我國教師工會團體協商實務運作之參考。Since the implementation of the new Labor Union Act on May 1, 2011, teachers are allowed to form unions. One of their objectives is to exercise the right of collective bargaining with their employers to enter into an agreement. Nonetheless, it has been more than five years since the implementation of the new Labor Union Act; successful cases of collective agreements signed by teachers’ unions have been scarce. Also, among the cases related to unfair labor practices received and decided by The Board for Decision on the Unfair Labor Practices, the applications filed by teachers’ unions accounted for 11.5%, most of which were disputes with regard to collective bargaining. The aforementioned suggests that there are many unsolved issues regarding the process of collective bargaining. This thesis will study the processes of and the subjects addressed in collective bargaining. My aim is to help resolve the problems faced by teachers while they are undergoing collective bargaining and to facilitate the further development of teachers’ collective bargaining. With this aim, the second chapter of this thesis will first discuss the evolution of teachers’ labor rights, the organization of teachers’ unions, and the employers of teachers who work for public schools in order to build up basic concepts for subsequent discussions. In chapter three, this thesis will divide the process of collective bargaining into three stages – preparation, bargaining, and entering into an agreement. Thorny issues in each stage will be identified and analyzed. The scope and criteria for collective bargaining demanded by teachers’ unions will also be discussed. The result will be the basis of analysis for issues discussed during teachers’ collective bargaining in the next chapter. In the fourth chapter, this thesis will make an effort to collect and analyze subjects that concern teachers’ unions and which employers are mandated to undergo collective bargaining. In the last chapter, a conclusion will be reached and suggestions will be presented based on the discussion and analysis made in the preceding chapters with a view to be helpful in the collective bargaining practices of teachers’ unions.2541770 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/24論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)教師工會團體協商團體協約團體協商事項義務協商事項teachers’ unioncollective bargainingcollective agreementsubjects of collective bargainingmandatory bargaining subjects[SDGs]SDG8我國教師團體協商事項研究-以公立中小學為例A Study on Bargaining Subjects of Teachers' Unions in Taiwan: Evidence from Public Elementary and Secondary Schoolsthesis10.6342/NTU201602788http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273863/1/ntu-105-R99a41016-1.pdf