理學院: 地理環境資源學研究所指導教授: 蔡博文陳明勳Chen, Ming-HsunMing-HsunChen2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/272854近年隨著網路技術快速發展與行動裝置的普及,發展出許多網路社群平台,這些平台產生的社群媒體資料,常附有地理標籤 (Geotag)、打卡座標 (Check-in) 等具有空間意涵的資訊,此為一般公民使用社群媒體的同時,運用了空間定位的工具,紀錄與分享其觀察的地理相關資訊,稱之為「自發式地理資訊」 (Volunteered Geographic Information, VGI),而VGI的出現對於地理學形成衝擊,甚至有學者認為其會對地理資訊科學形成典範轉移 (Paradigm Shift)。 人類空間活動行為是地理學所關注的研究課題,但人們的活動時間、地點等空間移動行為資料在過往取得不易,因此在地理學的研究中較少對於群眾的整體移動行為進行討論,然而藉由自發式地理資訊此種新型態的資料來源,或許能夠突破過往的研究限制,在移動行為研究上產生新的研究方式,探究人群的移動行為。 本研究目的為透過實例,應用大量自發式地理資訊進行移動行為研究,對移動行為研究提出新的研究方式,同時討論自發式地理資訊的研究脈絡與相關概念。 本研究自Flickr 社群平台,獲取15,342位使用者2001年到2015年產生的1,352,500張具有地理標籤 (Geotag) 之相片資料,其中透過這些資料於研究區,台北市,取得86處景點與176,810條單日旅遊移動路徑,後續則透過這兩項資訊進行移動行為探究,探究內容則包含停留地點、移動路線、景點間關聯性、旅客行為模式,而為了解不同旅遊者是否具有不同的移動行為,因此透過旅遊者之居住地將旅遊者分為,外國旅客、台北市當地旅客、台灣它縣市旅客以分別探究其移動型態,而研究成果顯示此三種類型之旅客具有不同的移動行為,本研究此種透過大量自發式地理資訊進行人群移動行為探究的研究取徑,確實能夠獲取過往難以掌握的人群移動資訊,對移動行為研究而言是一種新的研究方式。In recent years, with the fast development of Internet and the rapid growth of mobile devices, a number of social media have been developed. The data come from social media which often include “geotag”, “check-in” and other spatial information. Individual citizens use positioning tools to record and share their observed geographic information while using social media. This type of information is called Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). The emergence of VGI has a great influence on Geography, that even some scholars consider it as a paradigm shift for Geographic Information Science. Geographer are interested in the human spatial behavior but it was difficult to collect the data of human spatial behavior, such as individual’s travel time and activity locations. As a result, there were few studies focusing on crowd movement behavior in the past. However, VGI as a new type of geographic information source may be able to overcome the limitation of past studies and find a new way for movement behavior research. The purpose of this research aims to introduce a new approach for movement behavior research. Through case study, the movement behavior is analyzed by VGI to explore the movement behavior research. Also, the context and related concept of VGI are discussed. The study gathered 1,352,500 geotagged photos of 15,342 users generated between 2001 and 2015 from Flickr website and obtained 86 tourist sites and 176,810 traveler’s daily paths in the study area of Taipei city. Then, the data about tourist sites and traveler’s daily paths were used to analyze the movement behavior. The analysis of movement behavior focused on stopping places, travel paths, the connectivity between tourist sites, and the movement pattern of traveler. Moreover, in order to understand the behavior of different types of traveler, the travelers were categorized into foreign traveler, Taipei local traveler, and other Taiwan county’s traveler by their residence. The result indicated that foreign traveler, Taipei local traveler, and other Taiwan county’s traveler have different movement behavior in Taipei city. Exploring massive amount of VGI to understand the crowd movement behavior is indeed a new approach for movement behavior research.4365397 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/8/30論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)自發式地理資訊VGINeo-Geography社群媒體移動行為Volunteered Geographic InformationSocial MediaMovement應用自發式地理資訊進行人群移動行為探究-以旅遊活動為例Exploring Crowd Movement Behavior by Volunteered Geographic Information -A Case of Travel Activitythesis10.6342/NTU201603018http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/272854/1/ntu-105-R03228014-1.pdf