國立臺灣大學人類學系副教授; 財團法人農業工程究中心副研究員,通訊作者; 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心地理資訊科學研究中心助研究員; 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心地理資訊科學研究中心專案經理Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University; Associate Researcher Fellow, Agricultural Engineering Research Center; Assistant Research Fellow, Center for GIS, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica; Project Manager, Center for GIS, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica陳伯楨張齡方詹大千張智傑Chen, P.P.ChenChang, L.F.L.F.ChangChan, T.C.T.C.ChanJang, J.J.J.J.Jang2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292014-12http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/281840滇國是戰國至西漢時期興盛於雲南滇池區域的古王國。除了《史記》、《漢書》及《華陽國志》等少量文字記載外,我們對於滇國的理解都來自於考古發現,特別是大量而複雜的墓地。從1950年代開始,考古學家相繼發掘晉寧石寨山、江川李家山、呈貢天子廟、曲靖八塔臺、澄江金蓮山及昆明羊甫頭等多座大型墓地,這些墓地大多包含數百座以上隨葬品豐富的墓葬,也由於其複雜的現象,造成研究上的困擾。過去有部份學者嘗試用各種統計的方式對滇國大型墓地進行分析,以了解其社會結構、社會階級和性別關係等議題,但少有人對墓葬間的空間關係做討論。本論文將嘗試使用GIS 的空間自相關分析技術對昆明羊甫頭墓地進行統計分析,探討該墓地的隨葬品空間分布與社會結構的關係。Dian is the most important polity from Warring States to Western Han period in the Dian Lake area of Yunnan. Except sparse records in Shiji, Hanshu and Huayangguozhi, our understanding of Dian all comes from archaeological discoveries, especially those large and complex cemeteries. Since 1950’, archaeologists excavated many large Dian cemeteries, including Jinning Shizhaishan, Jiangchuan Lijiashan, Chenggong Tianzimiao, Qujing Batatai, Chengjiang Jinlianshan and Kunming Yangfutou. These cemeteries usually include several hundred burials with abundant burial goods; however, the complexity of burial goods make difficulties for researchers. Some scholars applied several statistic methods in the analyses of large Dian cemeteries for understanding their social structures, social hierarchies and gender relations but none of them pay attention on spatial relations among burials. This paper applies spatial autocorrelation techniques in GIS to analyze the Yangfutou cemetery to explore the spatial distribution of burial goods and their relations with the social structure.21009175 bytesapplication/pdf雲南、青銅時代、滇、地理資訊系統、墓葬、空間自相關(Yunnan, Bronze Age, Dian, GIS, burials, spatial autocorelation)從空間分析看昆明羊甫頭墓地的社會結構Exploring Social Structure of the Kunming Yangfutou Cemetery by Spatial Analysesjournal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/281840/1/0081_201412_7.pdf