2017-02-232024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/678744摘要:維護野生動物的健康是保育醫學的主要工作之一,準確及時的診斷和制訂防疫方針對於各種疾病的預防治療、降低醫療及檢疫成本至關重要,更可進而提升動物福利和生物多樣性。完善的診療計畫及預防醫學奠基於對各別物種基礎生理的了解,然而爬蟲類物種間歧異大,且醫療尚在發展中階段,基礎知識相當缺乏,因此迫切需要針對物種專一的重要資訊建立研究基礎。 本研究計畫目標建立多種本土爬蟲類動物之血球形態學參考圖譜,提供動物園內以及國內外各地野生動物救傷機構相關珍貴物種臨床醫療上判斷之重要參考依據,並配合全血球計數(CBC)結果、三種不同染色法(Wright Giemsa stain、劉氏染色法以及Diff-Quik染色法)下之血球形態學以及穿透式電子顯微鏡所見之超微結構,確立各種爬蟲類動物於疾病狀態之血球變化形態學,作為往後可以血片染色快速、簡單辨認動物健康狀態指標資訊之必要根據,同時綜合血片鏡檢以及穿透式電子顯微鏡檢驗結果,篩檢血球內病原並加以分類,甚或辨識新興病原,統計檢驗結果作為制定未來防疫方針(如:進一步利用分子生物學檢定特定病原)之基礎。研究成果預期對台灣本土爬蟲類動物醫療相關基礎知識有更進一步了解,亦可作為後續相關研究之基礎,促使臨床診斷、治療的進步,維護此類珍稀物種之健康。<br> Abstract: A primary concern in conservation medicine is to maintain the health of wild animal species. Making an accurate and prompt diagnosis, along with establishment of an appropriate disease prevention policy, is crucial for effective disease control in aspects of treating disease, preventing outbreaks, lowering medical costs, and help improve animal welfare as well as biodiversity. Proper treatment plans and preventive medicine is based on the understanding to species-specific physiology. However, the great variations between reptile species and relatively under-developed clinical science of these animals resulted in lack of important basic knowledge in reptile medicine, hence it is an urgent task to establish research foundation at a species- specific level. Our study aims to establish blood cell morphology reference of native reptile species in Taiwan, in order to provide information for Taipei Zoo as well as other wildlife rescue facilities. Upon utilizing the results of complete blood cell count, blood cell morphology under 3 staining methods (Wright Giemsa stain, Lui`s stain and Diff-Quik stain) , and ultrastructure under transmission electron microscope (TEM), we can establish the reference guide to future clinical interpretation of blood cell morphology in different health state. In addition, hematoparasites screening can be achieved through intracellular microorganism identification under light microscope and TEM, and it is possible to further classify these pathogens or even identify new emerging pathogens, and contribute the results to the making of disease prevention policies. The results of this study are expected to provide further understanding of the basic knowledge in these animals, contribute to future research, aid in clinical diagnosis and treatment, and ultimately protect the health of these precious animal species.爬蟲類血球型態學穿透式電子顯微鏡超微結構台灣疾病篩檢reptilesblood cellsmorphologytransmission electron microscope(TEM)ultrastructureTaiwan台灣本土爬蟲類動物血球圖譜之建立與疾病篩檢