2004-05-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/713663摘要:人類隨著年齡的增長身體開始老化,約在40歲左右骨質開始流失。根據行政院衛生署針對國民營養現況所作之調查結果,國人對於鈣質的攝取率仍然偏低,故40歲後罹患骨質疏鬆症的機率極高。近年來老年人口增多,且罹患骨質疏鬆症的老年人常因跌倒而發生骨折,結果導致活動減少、體質虛弱與食慾不佳等情形,更增加治療恢復的困難。因此,如何選擇適當的食療來輔助老人增加骨骼癒合速率,並改善因骨折時所提高的氧化壓力,更進一步平衡骨質密度,預防骨質繼續流失等,以達到骨質保健之功效。 本研究之目的在探討罹患骨質疏鬆症老人在骨折時之食療研究,實驗徵求40位罹患骨質疏鬆症骨折的老年人為受試對象。採用的食療選方為螃蟹或蛋殼,配合骨科醫師進行一年的長時間追蹤評估,評估項目有: 一、輔助骨折癒合之效果評估; 二、體內氧化壓力之影響; 三、長期追蹤改善骨質密度之效果評估。 四、每三個月進行生化追蹤檢測骨骼代謝進展,以了解骨骼流失情形,採用的生化指標為骨質生成與分解作用指標; 期望以食療幫助骨折之復原,平衡骨質代謝,預防骨質流失以改善骨質疏鬆,進一步研發有利於國人骨質保健的健康食品。 <br> Abstract: When people are getting older, the bone losses occur at about 40 ages. According to the result of Department of Health, Executive Yuan’s report for the national survey of Taiwanese dietary nutrition showed that the intake of calcium is low. Therefore, high prevalence rate of osteoporosis for Taiwanese people whose ages are over 40 years old. Recently, the elders grow in number, more elders with osteoporosis often have fractures of bone because of falling down. The fractured bone brings on fewer activities, weaker health and losing appetite, thus the recovery of fractured bone is getting harder. Therefore, we try to design the appropriate Chinese medicated diet to help the elders recover from the bone fractures, lower the oxidative stress inside the body, balance the bone density, and prevent the bone loss. The objective of this study was to investigate the Chinese medicated diets for the bone fractures of elders with osteoporosis. The subjects of this study are 40 elders. The Chinese medicated diets are crab or egg shell. Long-term experiment is going to be evaluated by the orthopedist. The evaluations include to evaluate recovery rate of the bone fractures, to detect the oxidative stress inside the body, to trace the long-term bone density and bone metabolism which includes osteoblastic activity and osteoclastic activity. Hopefully, the Chinese medicated diets could benefit the recovery of the bone fractures, balance the bone metabolism and prevent the bone loss. Then the health food for osteoporosis will be developed.骨質疏鬆症螃蟹蛋殼氧化壓力骨質密度osteoporosiscrabegg shelloxidative stressbone mineral density罹患骨質疏鬆症老人骨折時之藥膳食療研究