2006-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/683031摘要:本計畫作為東亞歷史上的儒教國家研究之一,主要探究東亞王權與儒學知識間的關聯性。東亞王權主要是指中國 皇帝制度與日本天皇制。而儒學知識則集中於儒家經典詮釋中的祭祀理論。第一年探討從中國的戰國時期至東漢 末年,儒家經典成立及其經典詮釋過程中,如何建構以郊祀、宗廟為中心的儒教祭祀理論。第二年則探討十九世紀初期至二十世紀中期,日本近代化過程中的儒家經典詮釋藉由儒家式的祭祀國家理論以建構近代以來的天皇制。<br> Abstract: This research plan is to study the Confucian state in East Asian history, focusing on the reationship between East Asian kingships and the knowledge of Confucian learnings. The expression “East Asian kingships” refers to the Chinese imperial system and to the Japanese Mikado system. But, the relevant knowledge of Confucian learning is concentrated in the theory of state rites and sacrifices in Confucian hermeneutics. During the first year, I will examine the establishment of the Confucian classics and the process of interpreatations of classics from the Warring States period to the end of the Later Han dynasty -- how the formation of the rites and sacrifices to Heaven and Earth and the imperial ancestral temple became the central Confucian theory of rites and sacrifices.The second year, I will examine the Japanese process of modernizing Confucian classical learning during the 19th and early 20th centuries in constructing the modern Mikado system out of the old Confucian theory of state rites and sacrifices.王權儒教東亞經典祭祀kingshipConfucianismEast Asiaclassicssacrifice system優勢重點領域拔尖計畫/人文社會高等研究院/東亞王權與儒教:儒家經典詮釋中的祭祀國家原理