臺灣大學: 應用力學研究所陳國慶李文欽Li, Wen-ChinWen-ChinLi2013-03-212018-06-292013-03-212018-06-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/249674顆粒氣體受到外界給予適當的輸入能量後,將會有聚集的現象發生,而聚集源自於顆粒與顆粒之間的非彈性碰撞,為了量化此現象吾人藉由顆粒溫度來定義。若將侵入顆粒加入單種顆粒系統中,將造成系統凝聚溫度的改變,除此之外,改變系統隔板高度也會造成聚集時顆粒溫度的改變,由此得知這兩個系統存在一個等效的關係。為了找出這兩個系統等效的關係並加以量化,將利用兩格容器系統 來探討加入侵入顆粒與改變格板高度改變對於系統顆粒分佈的影響,並以系統顆粒分佈來進行等效的動作,此等效關係式稱為等效隔板高度。 由先前得到的等效概念得知,侵入顆粒能使顆粒氣體在多格樓梯型系統中產生驅趕與抑制行為,當加入侵入顆粒為重顆粒時會使系統產生驅趕的行為,輕顆粒則會造成系統發生抑制的行為,則系統中的顆粒能從位能最低被驅趕至位能最高的區間並且達到聚集(區間數目達到總顆粒數目的百分之八十)。而此機制將可以應用在藥物輸送、純化、半導體製程與工業中懸浮雜質去除過程。When the granular gas system receives appropriate input energy, it will appear clustering phenomenon. This origin of phenomenon comes from inelastic collisions between particles and particles. We use the temperature of granular gases to define this phenomenon in order to quantify clustering. If (i) an intruder is added into a mono-disperse gas, it will cause the change of clustering phenomenon temperature. In addition, (ii) changing the system barrier height can also lead to the change of particle clustering phenomenon temperature. Therefore, between (i) and (ii) systems there is an equivalent relationship. In order to identify and quantify the equivalent relationship, the two-compartment system was used to explore the effects of different parameters (i)、(ii) on particle distribution of the system. The system particle distribution was used as a standard to search for the equivalent, and this equivalent can be constructed by proposing the ideal of the equivalent barrier height. When an intruder is inserted into a granular gas in the staircase system, the driven and suppressed behavior can be observed. The particles of granular gas in the staircase system will be driven as we add few heavy intruders into the system, and will be suppressed when several light intruders were added. Therefore, particles in the system from the compartment with a lower potential energy were driven to the compartment with a higher potential energy cluster (proportion 80%). This behavior could be applied to drug delivery, purification, semiconductor process and the suspended impurities of industrial removable process.8279536 bytesapplication/pdfen-US顆粒氣體凝聚溫度侵入顆粒等效高度granular gascondensation temperatureintruderequivalent barrier height藉由侵入顆粒使階梯型顆粒氣體系統產生驅動與抑制行為Granular Gases in the Staircase Systems: Driven and Suppressed by Intruders.thesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/249674/1/ntu-101-R99543050-1.pdf